No. 4
I have the honor to acknowledge your Despatch No 9 of the
Jany 1855, transmitting copy of a letter from
Mr John Powell
Mills, Master of the Barque "
Colinda," complaining of proceedings taken
against him by the authorities on
Vancouver's Island, and desiring me to
cause enquiries to be made into the facts of the case, and to furnish
you with a report on the allegations contained in his letter.
Immediately on receipt of your instructions to that effect I
addressed the accompanying note to
Mr Cameron; and the reply of that
Gentleman, which is herewith transmitted, will explain the nature of the
suits commenced in the Law Courts of this Colony by parties aggreived
through the acts of
Mr Mills; and the manner in which they were conducted. The Magistrates appear to have acted
with fairness and
impartiality towards all the parties concerned in those suits, and there
is no reason to suppose that they were influenced by any ill-feeling
Captain Mills, who was unknown to them except as a person
charged with an offence against the Laws of his Country.
In respect to Her Majesty's Executive Officers in this Colony, they
took no part whatever in the Law proceedings, for or against
Mills, the decision having been left, as in all such cases, to the
ordinary Courts of the Colony, in which the proceedings are conducted
strictly according to Law.
Mr Mills left England as Master of the Barque "
chartered by the Hudson's Bay Company to convey Goods and 212
Passengers, coal miners and other Servants of the Hudson's Bay Company
direct to
Vancouver's Island, without touching at any intermediate Port.
Notwithstanding the provisions of that instrument,
Captain Mills put
into the Port of
Valdivia, in consequence, as he professed to believe,
of a mutiny of the Passengers, and he applied to the Admiral on the
Station for an inquiry into their conduct.
Rear Admiral Moresby
thereupon ordered the "
Colinda" to
Valparaiso, and the Passengers were
there brought to trial, at the instance of
Captain Mills, for "mutinous
and piratical conduct," and were acquitted of the charge.
All the Passengers with the exception of 17 abandoned the ship at
Valparaiso, refusing to proceed further under the command of
Captain Mills.
The next of
Captain Mills proceedings in contravention of the
Charter Party, was the sale at
Valparaiso of a large portion of the,
Colinda's cargo, the property of the Hudson's Bay Company.
An advertisement then appeared over the signature of
John Powell
Mills, in the "Echo del Pais,"
Valparaiso Paper, announcing the
approaching departure of the "
Colinda", for the Port of
San Francisco
and offering to take Goods and Passengers for that Port, at the lowest
rates. That plan does not however appear to have been carried into
Captain Mills finally arrived off the
Port of Victoria on the
17th April, and the few able seamen on board deserted the "
and fled to the American side in course of the following night, leaving
the ship with the Master, Mates, apprentices, cook and Steward.
She was towed into the
Port of Victoria by a Steam vessel, sent out
to her assistance by
Mr John Work consignee, and agent for the Hudson's Bay Company.
Captain Mills produced for the information of the said Consignee,
an account of the Goods sold by him at
Valparaiso, which appeared by
that account to have produced the sum of 2532.12.4, and he also gave in
a statement of his disbursements, on the ship's account, at that Port,
amounting to 1832.12.4, leaving a balance unaccounted for of 700
Sterling, which he refused to surrender,
as by Law required, to the
order of the Consignee; who thereupon and in consequence, commenced an
action against
Captain Mills, for the recovery of the said sum, which
after some litigation was finally recovered, through the tedious
process, detailed in
Mr Cameron's letter herewith.
By the statement here given which I believe to be in substance
correct, you will observe that the Process commenced by the Consignee of
the Hudson's Bay Company, against
Captain Mills, was solely with the
view of compelling the surrender of property which he "
Mills" did
unlawfully retain in his possession, and that it was therefore in his
own power to have arrested the action by making restitution of the
property in question.
The Process was in itself strictly proper and was conducted in all
respects, according to the directions of the statute in such case
In pursuance of the history of the Barque "
Colinda," I beg further
to inform you that a Power of Attorney from the owner
Mr Tomlin of
London, was received here in the month of September last authorising me
to supercede
Captain Mills and put another master in command of the
Colinda." Acting on that authority I appointed
James M Reid to the
command, supplied him with capital to fit out the vessel for sea, and
procured him a good charter for the Port of
San Francisco, where the
Colinda" arrived safely on the
2nd of April last, on her way to
London; with the choice of another advantageous charter from that place,
which I also procured; having I firmly believe by that means saved the
Colinda" from sale and confiscation; and
Mr Tomlin the owner has
duly expressed his gratitude to me for those favours.
In reply to the only allegation in
Mr Mills' letter, which
remains unanswered I will state that the "
Colinda" was not made use of,
as he asserts, by the Hudson's Bay Company, to convey coals to
California, nor employed in any other manner, in their service, or for
their benefit; she lay idle in this Port until chartered in the
beginning of the month of
March last, by
Captain Reid, for the delivery
on her way to
London of a cargo of Coal at
San Francisco. This having
taken place some time posterior
to the date,
9th January 1855, of
Captain Mills' communication to you, will show that his statement is
altogether unfounded.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble Servant
James Douglas
The Right
Honble Sir George Grey Bar
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
This appears, at least to me, to be a very sufficient explanation of the
charge preferred by the late Master of the
Colinda against the
Authorities at
VanCouvers Island. Should he be so told—or
wd you send
him a copy of the
desph &c?
Mills' private property is on board the
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Ball
It certainly appears so. I see no necessity for sending a copy of the
desp. to
Capt. Mills. It would be sufficient I think to inform him
that an explanation has been received from the Governor from which it
appears that the proceedings taken against him were in course of law,
with which Government cannot interfere: & add the information which
this desp. contains respecting his property, which he alleges to have
been detained from him.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Douglas to
David Cameron,
8 May 1855, enclosing a copy of
complaint and asking for a report on its so "I may report on the same for
the information of Her Majesty's Ministers."
People in this document
Ball, John
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Cameron, David
Douglas, Sir James
Grey, Right Honorable, Second Baronet, Sir George
Merivale, Herman
Mills, Captain John Powell
Molesworth, Sir William
Moresby, Sir Fairfax
Reid, Captain James Murray
Work, John
Vessels in this document
Places in this document
San Francisco
Vancouver Island