No. 5
I beg herewith to transmit for your information copy of a Report
Mr Charles Griffin, detailing the particulars of an outrage
committed by an armed party of American citizens headed by a person
styling himself
Sheriff Barnes of
Whatcomb county, who landed on the
Island of San Juan, and in the name of the United States of America,
demanded payment of certain local taxes on British property there,
amounting in all to the sum of about 80 dollars.
The demand being refused they
proceeded to make seizures, and
succeeded in carrying off with impunity, thirty four head of valuable
breeding Rams, with which they hastily took their departure for the
American shore, before the British residents could muster for the
protection of their property.
I despatched a sufficient force to their assistance, but the
Americans had left
the Island with their booty, a few hours before the
arrival of that detachment, which unfortunately did not pursue the
party, or the property abstracted might have been recovered.
The Federal Officers of
Washington Territory having latterly stood
entirely aloof, and taken no part in the boundary dispute, I was in
hopes of remaining in quiet possession of the
Arro Islands, until the
question of sovereignty was decided by the action of the Imperial
Government, but it appears
that the mob of Washington Territory have
taken the matter in hand, and are disposed to settle it in their own
I am very unwilling at the present conjuncture of affairs in
Europe, to take any steps that may give trouble or disturb our peaceful
relations with the Government of the United States; but I fear that
consequence will be inevetable, unless measures are taken, on both sides,
to prevent unlawful acts, and to enforce the peace of the country.
Outrages on the one side, will, as a matter of course, lead to
sharp reprisals on the other, and the result may be very serious to both
I have applied to
Rear Admiral Bruce, for assistance, which he may
probably be able to afford, without materially interfering with his
contemplated operations, for the present summer.
Trusting that those proceedings may meet with your approbation.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble Servant
James Douglas
The Right
Honble Sir George Grey Bart.
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
It is unfortunate that Congress should have refused to authorize the
measures that had been proposed for defining the British and U. States
Boundary in this quarter of the globe. We can only furnish the F.O.
with copy of this report with reference to previous correspondence.
[Following minute by
Merivale crossed out, probably after
response below:]
Mr Blackwood
The former papers are not complete. It is impossible to tell what
documents were sent to the For. Office with our letter of
22 July 1853,
as the draft of that letter is not annexed. See 8610 of 1853.
Mr Merivale
I suspect you overlooked the Letter &c you ask for: as it was with the
papers which were sent to you. I have now put it more prominently before
Mr Ball
This despatch is for the Foreign Office, but it suggests one or two
important considerations.
The question of boundary between the English & Am
n governments
is well argued, on the English side, by
Govr Douglas in his desp. of
24 Nov. 1853 annexed (N
o 7387 of /54) and you will see a notice of
the American view in my minute thereon. The point has been long
disputed, &
Mr Lawrence pointed out to me the American argument when
he was minister here.
Now in that desp. of
24 Nov.
Gov. Douglas says he has defeated
American attempts, &c
so that these islands shall remain a de facto dependency of
Vanc. Id
unoccupied by any settlement of whites, except a fishing station, which
was established

some years ago
by the HBC on the
island of S.Juan.
Now, the
Mr Griffin on whom the outrage is here alleged to have taken place, in this
island of S. Juan, & who has sheep, &c agricultural property, says
When I first established myself here
15 Nov 1853 (coincident with
the date of the despatch) as a British subject, I was given explicitly
to understand by your Excellency that this was British territory, and
that I should be protected by my country from foreign aggression.
It would seem therefore that the H.B.C. had some sort of
establishment on this debateable ground, and that the
Govr himself a
servant of the Company, had, without any sanction from hence,

to defend that establishment.
I think the Govr should be called upon to explain the
inconsistency between this statement & that in his despatch of 24 Nov.
and that the Foreign Office, to whom these papers must be immediately
transmitted, should be informed that he has been so called upon.
Sir W. Molesworth
Though this may be done it is surely most desirable to come to a
settlement of the remaining point of dispute if that be possible.
Perhaps some such opinion
shd be communicated to the For. Off. with
the opinion that if such a settlement could be concluded on the terms of
Securing undisputed possession of
the Islands on which there are British
settlers the claim to other unoccupied islands in the Archipelago

be surrendered. I am not sure whether the Hudson's Bay Comp
y can
give the requisite information on this point.
Call upon
Govr to explain the discrepancy between
Mr Griffins
statement and the despatch of the
24 Nov. Communicate papers to Foreign
Office, and inform that
Govr has been called upon to explain.
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to
E. Hammond, Foreign Office,
15 August
1855, forwarding copies of
Douglas's despatches Nos. 5 and 7, and
the proposed reply.
Minutes by CO staff
It is
I misread the handwriting. [Reference is to the month in which
Griffin established himself on
San Juan Island.]
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Charles John Griffin, Magistrate and Justice of the Peace for the
District of
San Juan, to
2 April 1855, reporting the "outrage"
committed against his property, as per despatch.
Douglas to
Isaac I. Stevens,
26 April 1855, seeking assurance that
the outrage was not officially authorized, and expressing the hope that
steps would be taken to prevent futher occurrences of the kind.
People in this document
Ball, John
Barnes, Sherriff
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Bruce, Vice Admiral Henry William
Douglas, Sir James
Grey, Right Honorable, Second Baronet, Sir George
Griffin, Charles John
Hammond, Edmund
Merivale, Herman
Molesworth, Sir William
Stevens, Isaac Ingalls
Places in this document
San Juan Island
San Juan Islands
Vancouver Island
Washington Territory
Whatcom County