Mundy to Merivale (Permanent Under-Secretary)
War Department
12th June 1855
Lord Panmure has had under his consideration your letter of the 10th ultimo, with its enclosure calling attention to the defenceless state of Vancouvers Island, and I am to transmit to you for the information of Lord John Russell, copy of a letter from the Chairman of the Hudson's Bay Company, whom His Lordship had consultedwithManuscript image with regard to the probability of any attack from the side of Russian America, together with copies of a correspondence, which has been obtained from the Foreign Office, respecting the agreement with the Russian American Company, for reciprocal neutrality, to which Mr Shepherd refers.
From these papers, Lord Panmure is led to believe, that there is no reason to apprehend any danger of attack on VancouversIslandManuscript image Island.
His Lordship, has however, requested the Admiralty to instruct the Senior Naval Officer on the Station to cause that Island to be more frequently visited by one of Her Majesty's Ships of War.
I am Sir
Your Obedient Servant
E.C. Mundy

Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Merivale
Either send the Governor a copy of these documents or tell him the result. Probably the first alternative is best as he shd be possessed of the agreement between the countries.
ABd 15 June
Annex dt.
HM June 15
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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John Shepherd, Deputy Governor, Hudson's Bay Company, to Lord Panmure, 28 May 1855, suggesting there was little likelihood of an attack on Vancouver Island by the Russians, in view of the company's reciprocal neutrality agreement with the Russian American Company.
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Lord Clarendon, Foreign Office, to Admiralty, 22 March 1854, transmitting copies of correspondence between the Hudson's Bay Company and the Russian American Company respecting agreement for neutrality.
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A. Colvile, Governor, Hudson's Bay Company, to Clarendon, 28 February 1854, enclosing copy of letter from the Russian American Company and seeking sanction for the proposed agreement.
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Direction Superieure de la Compagnée Russe Americaine (W. Politkowsky, N. Konsow, Ct Etholin, B. Wrangell) to the Directors, Hudson's Bay Company, 14 February 1854, proposing an agreement for neutrality.
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Clarendon to Admiralty, 29 April 1854, forwarding a copy of Colvile's letter, 25 April 1854, and requesting the Admiralty "give such further orders as you may deem necessary upon this matter."
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Colvile to Clarendon, 25 April 1854, enclosing the original of a letter from the Russian American Company.
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Direction Generale de la Compagnie Russe Americaine (W. Politkowsky, L. Khipffell, Ct Etholin, B. Wrangell) to the Directors of the Hudson's Bay Company, 17 April 1854, forwarding the official letter establishing their neutrality.
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Leon Seniavine, Ministere Imperial, to Major General Politkowski, President, Russian American Company, no date, authorizing the agreement of neutrality.
Mundy, Colonel Godfrey Charles to Merivale, Herman 12 June 1855, CO 305:6, no. 5422, 292. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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