6th August 1855
To The
Right Honourable,
Sir William Molesworth
Secretary of State for the Colonies
Honourd Sir,
I beg to acknowledge your reply to a letter I addressed to
George Grey, of the
9th January last. I feel extremely thankfull for
it; but feel extremely pained to hear the Government can do nothing in
the Case.
Honourd Sir, I am not writing again to solicit the aid of
Government in righting a most sorely persecuted British subject. Your
answer, Yes, or No, was all I required, but more to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter.
Honourd Sir. Knowing your uprightness and the great Interest you
take in the affairs of the Colonies belonging to Great Britain, I feel
sanguine you will forgive me for stating a few incidents in respect of
my cruel treatment at
VanCouvers Island, You Honourd Sir have heard one
side of the story from His Excellency
Governor Douglas, but the said
Gentleman is also the Head & Chief Factor of the Honourable Hudson Bay
Company, he was also my Agent for the ship, and my ship was employed by
the said Company, Sir, I will ask you to judge of what redress, or
justice, I could obtain there allowing
Governor Douglas to be the most
impartial Gentleman living. Sir, it was impossible, where I have a
great cause of dissatisfaction is in
Governor Douglas not having an
Investigation of all the proceedings of the ship's passage
before casting me into
into that vile place not fit for a poor dog, and
keeping me there four sittings and a half of their supreme courts,
without even noticeing me, Yes, five monthly sessions
was there
not unmercifull persecution in this: is this the Law of our Land, does
it not state, Honourable Sir, that a subject shall not be any
unne[ce]ssary time in prison before being brough[t] to trial neither is
he guilty untill found so by his countrymen. I was treated as guilty
from the first day of my incarceration, and fed upon the dogs portions
of food was also suffering from a decease, which at this time I am given
over as incureable by my surgeon attending on me.
When His Excellency thought fit to bring on my Case I was
acqui[t]ted by His own subalterns, He knew it must fall to the ground,
had there been any person there in the shape of a Lawyer it could never
have taken place even after acquital by the Juror's, I was most
spitefully sent to prison again by the supreme Judge who was at the bar
Counsel for prosecuting, and was released 9 days after by the judge
running away, leaveing a message with the sheriff to let me Free. This
leaves room for Law improvements. The Charge against me was trumpery
Viz The Honourable Hudsons Bay Company were indebted to me near 1400
Freight they would not pay me nor give a certificate to obtain such, I
therfore did as the Law allows, detain a portion of their chattels
amounting to 700 for my Freight and certainly should have detained more
had the Cargo not been perishable. I had lost 5 months Valuable
earnings of the ship, put to enormous expense & trouble and mental
anxiety through their brutal and mutinous passengers compelling me to go
into port under the plea of having bad provisions which the company
procured. And here Honourd Sir, I state on my solemn Oath, and my good
conscience and before the

Allmighty God, I did strenuously strive to do
that which was right & just between employers and employed as I felt
proud of having got into so Princely a Company as the H.H.B. Company for
In answer Honourd Sir to the second Item in your letter, I state
positiv[e]ly on oath that I was not allowed to take my personal effects
on shore, the answer I got from the sheriff was, "leave your state room
door open and take a change of linen with you", all I took was a small
portmanteau. I will say no more Honourd Sir, as I am afraid I have
encroached on your time too much, I could state a great deal if
I may say, Sir, in
Van Couvers Island there is very great room for
improvements and alterations, it is a splendid Island where many
thousands of our countrymen might find a comfortable home under proper
Legislation, many settlers are there living in a great state of
dissatisfaction, there is plenty of Law such as it is without any
justice the Rule is most despotic in the extreme. Navy Officers who
have visited those parts are the best informants of the state of things.
Trusting, Sir, I have not trespassed
I have the Honour to remain Honourable Sir
Your most obedient Humble Servant
John Powell Mills
Swansea S
th Wales
Opposite H.M. Victg Yard Entrance
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
Simply ack
e rec
t. The writer addresses no new grievances, or
facts to throw doubt on the correctness of the Governor's representation.
Other documents included in the file
Ball to
11 August 1855, acknowledging his letter.