Downing Street
5 April 1855
I transmit to you copy of an opinion received by this Department
from the Attorney and Solicitor General, in which, as you will perceive,
those Officers deny altogether the power of legislation assumed by you
with the advice of Your Council under your Commission, and advise the
Secretary of State that no laws can be passed in
Vancouver's Island
except with the concurrence of a General Assembly.
2. Although the opinion even of legal functionaries of this
eminence cannot, of itself, invalidate what had been done, and amounts
only to the expression

of a serious doubt of its legality, yet it
becomes necessary that great caution should be used, and that no
additional steps should be taken which may be subject to the like doubt.
3. Her Majesty's Government have it in contemplation to give you
as soon as possible definite instructions suited to this emergency. But
the matter is one of considerable difficulty: and, in the meantime, I am
desirous that you should not be ignorant of your legal position, and
should be able, as far as possible, to guide yourself under it.
4. As far as the (invalid) Act submitted to the Law Advisors is
concerned (that establishing a Supreme Civil Court) there will be no
permanent difficulty, inasmuch as the Act "to provide for the
administration of Justice in
Vancouver's Island" 12
th &
th Vict: ch:
48, reserves powers to the Crown to take all necessary steps for the
administration of

Justice. I have therefore directed the preparation of
an Order in Council, embracing the important provisions of the invalid
Act, and giving power to the Court to make the necessary rules and
regulations for it's own conduct. I apprehend that you will be able to
conduct the legal civil business of
the Island under this Order in
Council until a local Legislature is constituted.
5. I have not thought it advisable to include Criminal
Jurisdiction in the same Order, not being fully aware how this could be
done without interfering with existing arrangements. But I wish you to
transmit to me without delay a report as to the manner in which a
Criminal Court should in your opinion be constituted, in order that a
second Order in Council may be passed for that purpose.
6. The only other Act of the Governor & Council which has yet

reached me, that for prohibiting the gift or sale of intoxicating
liquors to Indians, is, of course, for the same reasons invalid in the
opinion of the Law Advisors. I can only advise you to continue to act
in this respect in the same manner as you did before the passing of that
Act, not under the force of a legislative Enactment which cannot be at
present framed, but under the general powers vested in you for the
preservation of the peace of the Colony.
7. You cannot impose any tax or duty on the inhabitants of the
Island. But the grants of licences for the sale of liquors & for other
purposes may for the present be persevered in, as a Police regulation
which is within your power to

8. The revenue derivable from sale of land, from Licences to cut
timber, and in other ways from the produce of Crown land, is also, I
presume, legally raised, as the land and its proceeds are vested in the
Hudson's Bay Company by the Grant.
9. The Law of England for all Criminal and all important Civil
purposes is without doubt in force in
the Island, in the absence of
local legislation, and may be enforced by the proper tribunals.
10. I regret to be obliged to convey to you such imperfect
instructions for the time on a subject of so much consequence, and must
rely mainly on your judgment and Discretion in carrying them into
execution for the present.
11. I have made this Despatch "Confidential", in order that you
may use your own discretion as to the mode and time of making public the
serious doubts of the legality of existing measures which it conveys.
But you must take care that there is no further attempt at Legislation by
a body which there is so much reason to consider devoid of the power to
make laws.
I have the honor to be Sir,
Your most obedient humble servant
G. Grey