No. 11
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt on the 16th of
Inst, of your Despatch No 4, of the 22nd February last, in reply
to my communications No 24 and No 32, reporting the measures taken for
aiding the authorities of the United States, in repelling the attacks of
hostile savages, and it is highly gratifying to observe that those
measures have met with the approval of Her Majesty's Government.
Since the date of my Despatch of the
10th of April last, another
pressing appeal has been made to me by
Governor Stevens, through
Robinson, for assistance, and I once more advanced funds out
of my own private fortune for the purchase of supplies to the amount of
3535 dollars, making with the former advance the sum of 7000 dollars,
for which I hold
Governor Stevens' acknowledgement. This is a serious
drain upon my resources, but in the circumstances I could not with
propriety, deny the assistance so pressingly claimed, and I confess that
it was not motives of humanity alone that induced me to lend such aid,
as I could command, as other reasons of sound policy were not wanting,
strongly urging to that course; such as the conviction on my mind that
the triumph of the native Tribes, would certainly endanger the position
ofof this Colony; which in that case could not be maintained without a
vast increase of expense for military defences.
It is therefore clearly our interest that the American cause should
triumph and the natives be made to feel that they cannot successfully
contend against the power and resources of the whites.
The war does not appear to progress at present; there is a very
large force of Americans in the field; acting however chiefly on the
defensive, instead of pushing vigorously into the Indian country and
forcing the Indians either to give battle or to yield. About 5000
Puget Sound Indians, who remain friendly to the American cause, are collected
at various stations, and provided with food at the cost of the United
States, with the view of keeping them from joining the ranks of the
hostile Tribes. The expense of maintaining so many persons
mustmust be
large indeed, while the advantage derived from the measure is uncertain.
A party of British Indians belonging to this settlement who
complained that they had been chaced and captured in the
Straits of De
Fuca, by the United States Steamer "
Active," lately appealed to me for
redress, and for restitution of their arms, of which they had been
I thought it proper in those circumstances to make a demand on
their behalf upon the commander of the "
Active," who admitted the
general facts complained of, and it appears he was induced to take the
parties into custody, in consequence of their refusal to bring to, when
required, and for afterwards threatening to fire upon his boats, which
led him to suppose they were American and hostile Indians. He also gave
up the arms, and much to their delight they were returned to the owners.
I have since taken the precaution of issuing an order, warning all
British Indian Tribes, not to visit the American Coast, during the
continuance of the present Indian war, without having a written permit
from me, which the American authorities have promised to respect, and
giving them notice that this Government will not otherwise interfere on
their behalf, should they be seized by the United States ships of war,
on or near the American Territory.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your most obedient humble Servant,
James Douglas
The Right
Honble Henry Esq
Her Majesty's principal Secretary of State
For the Colonial Department.
Other documents included in the file