With reference to my communication to
Mr Hawes of the
7th of
April last respecting the accommodation which I was directed
through him to provide for the use of the Party despatched from
England under the command of
Major Hawkins R.E. Her Majesty's
Commissioner for determining the land boundary between the
British Possessions
on the north west coast of America and those
of the United States, of which duplicate is herewith forwarded,
I have the honor to inform you that the plan therein proposed
for meeting the instructions of Her Majesty's Government was
carried into effect and the House was delivered to
Major Hawkins
on his arrival here, and is now occupied by his party and in his
The money expended for the object in question is as follows
Paid to the Puget's Sound Compy
for purchase of Land & House £ 493.15.4
Paid for completing and painting house 729.03.4
I have now drawn on the Secretary of War a Bill of Exchange in
Triplicate for that sum, in favor of the Hudson's Bay
which I beg you will cause to be paid at maturity.
P.S. Vouchers of the account advised in this despatch will be
transmitted by this mail to the "Under Secretary of State" War
office, Pall Mall.