Hudson's Bay House
15th July 1858
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of
Mr Merivale's
letter of the
6th Instant, requesting me to furnish the
Colonial Department with a Return (from the earliest period of
the possession of
Vancouvers Island Colony by the Hudsons Bay
Company) of all land in
Vancouver's Island sold to any individual
or Company, with the names of such person or Company, the extent
to which such lands are under cultivation, and the localities in
which they are situated.
In compliance with this request I beg to enclose a Return
setting forth the quantity of land sold, the names of the
several purchasers, and the Districts in which such Sales
been effected, made up to the
10th October 1857, being the
latest date to which the Hudson's Bay Company have received
returns of Land Sales from the Colony.
I beg at the same time to state that the Company have no
information as to the extent of land which has been brought
under cultivation.
I have the honour to be Sir
Your obed
t humble Servant
H.H. Berens
Minutes by CO staff
Parly Clerk.
Return presented to Parlmt 30 July 58.
Put by.
Lord Carnarvon
This return seems to shew the sale of about 16000 acres to
private persons, omitting those entered as "Hudson's Bay
Company" "Puget Sound Company" and "
James Douglas" which are
Mr Douglas seems to have received a pretty good
stake in the island.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Return of land sales on
Vancouver Island, no date, showing
names of purchasers, amounts purchased, and localities where the
lands are situated (four pages).