Mr Merivale
You perceive that the War Office refuse to charge their votes with the regimental
pay of this detachment. I felt that it would be so, but was over-ruled. It must
be borne in mind that the War Office have to replace and pay for other officers &
men, vice those spared to
B. Columbia. But this point must be finally settled.
With regard to the Stores.
No orders could be issued for procuring them until the List—so very unfortunately
lost—or another copy of it c
d be obtained. I have at length had a copy sent me by
Sir J. Burgoyne. It is necessary to examine it critically, for I have misgivings that, despite his
personal assurances, there are many articles in it which must be dispensed with, not
because they are not requisite, but because of the expense. If economy could be disregarded
I have no doubt that the articles proposed
ought to be sent.
Major Ewart,
Sir John
Secy, has promised me that on Monday the 1
st or 2
d Captain shall, in the absence of
Colonel Moody, who really ought to be on the spot, to work out these details attend at this office,
& examine the List, with a view to diminishing the items.
wd suggest y
r sending this Letter & Minute to
Sir Edward tonight.
Lord Carnarvon can see it on his return to Town on Monday.