Dawson to Under-Secretary of State
Osgodby Hall
W. Selby
8 Jany 1858
I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the
Inst. Your statement that
Vancouver's Island is already an
established colony is in itself sufficient guarantee for the
protection of person & property under British law.
But the interests which I have reason to take in the locality
will, I hope, induce you to pardon me if I trouble you with a
few more questions. My sons are settled in California as
landowners & carrying on general business, and their attention
has been turned to communication with
Vancouver's Island, the
natural advantages of which are believed in California to be very great.

My son-in-law, a retired officer of the British army, of
some rank & standing, now settled with his family in
Nova Scotia
has also had his attention drawn to
Vancouver's Island as
affording great natural facilities to emigration & settlement.
I myself have not a single tie remaining in this country that I
care one atom about, & am not disinclined to join
my relatives in adventure to the [cut off microfilm] place—and
hence, my first enquiry in my letter addressed to
Mr Labouchere
whether their might not be some ministerial or judicial
appointment vacant in which my knowledge and experience as a
lawyer & magistrate might be deemed useful. Having thus
premised what, I hope, will be sufficient to shew that my
questions are not idle ones, will you permit me

to ask:
If any & what facilities are given to the investment of
British Capital in that Island?
What are the terms & conditions of sale or grant of land?
Is there freedom of trade in all natural & artificial
In short, are there any & what imperial or colonial
restrictions affecting private individuals who may be desirous
of taking an active part in the development of the resources of
this country?
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your very obedient servant
Geo. P. Dawson
The Under Secretary of State
Colonial Office
Downing Street
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
We can of course inform
Mr Dawson as to the terms on which land
is sold at
Van Couvers island, but with respect to his enquiries
generally would not the best course be to refer this letter for
answer to the Hudson's Bay Company, & at the same time inform
the Writer that this has been done?
I think this is the best course: annex drafts.
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to
John Shepherd, Hudson's Bay Company,
12 January
1858, forwarding copy of the letter and asking the company to
Dawson's enquiries.
Merivale to
12 January 1858, advising that his
letter had been referred to the Hudson's Bay Company.