47 Bay View Avenue
15 Sept 1858
Learning from the Public Prints that you are about
establishing a Bank in
Vancouver's Island, I beg to offer My
I have been bred up to Banking business and being anxious
to advance myself in a foreign Country it occurred to me that
this would be a Very favorable opportunity.
I am a young Man, yet I have had over five years experience and
can satisfy you to my character and abilities should you be
disposed to entertain my application.
I have the honour [to be] Sir
Your Very humble [Servant]
H. Higginson
Minutes by CO staff
Add that
Sir Edward can give the writer no encouragement.
The newspapers have led him into the error. Answer as [cut off
Other documents included in the file
Draft, Colonial Office to
30 September 1858, advising
the government had no intention of establishing a bank in the colony.