Having resolved upon proceeding at my own expense to
Vancouvers Island" as I am now out of employment, I beg most
respectfully to solicit the honor of an introduction to the
Governor of That Island, or of "
British Columbia", in order that
I may have some document of an official character to prove that
I have served Her Majesty in this Country (which the
Testimonials, copies of which I have done myself the honor to
forward to the Colonial office in some measure testify to) so
that in the event of an opportunity for employment presenting
itself, I may submit my qualifications for their consideration.
If my present application is irregular, I humbly solicit pardon,
and plead as my excuse the anxiety which I naturally feel for
some honorable occupation, by which I may support my young
family who accompany me to this distant colony, but to which I
go, feeling confident from my knowledge of its unbounded
resources, that it bids fair to become one of the most prosperous
of the Colonial Gems which adorn the British Crown.
P.S. I purpose embarking in the "
Southern Eagle" which
sails for "
San Francisco" California on or about 25
th proximo.