Lachine near Montreal, Canada East
18th. Augt. 1858.
I see by the public journals that
New Caledonia is created a separate Colony, and that in all probability, by this time, a Governor
is appointed for it. I have no wish to intrude or occupy your valuable time uselessly,
yet I consider it my duty to lay before you, the following circumstance relative to
the gold discoveries. In the event of any unwillingness on the part of the Thompsons
River Indians to permit whites to enter their country, the cause will be known to
you and the Governor of the Colony, and thus, perhaps, negociations may be facilitated,
which would otherwise be surrounded by insuperable difficulties.
1854, when I was in
Vancouvers Island, conversing with a friend about the Indians of
New Caledonia,
Fraser's &
Thompson's Rivers, he told me of an earthquake that occurred in the region of the
Thompson's River, and which was felt at
Langley, on the
embouchure of the
Fraser, and slightly at
Vancouvers Island. When residing at
Kamloops, he had often noticed a mountain at a distance of about twenty five or thirty miles,
which was volcanic and at intervals emitted smoke, in a greater or less degree. He
told me, in confidence, that his wife, who was of the tribe of Shooshwap Indians who
inhabit that region, had been informed by some of her family, that the mountain had
exploded and so terrified the Indians, that for nearly two years, they did not approach
it. At the end of that time, one braver than the rest of his tribe entered it, and
discovered the extinct crater seamed with yellow metal, mixed up with much that was
white. On being shewn gold, he said it was like that, and his chief had told him,
that that was what the white man came into the country south of them for.
The chief, a man of sagacity according to Indian notions, called his people together
and addressed them. He spoke of the Indians in California and
Oregon, shewed them the evils that had beset the natives of those regions, and proved that
their wars and gradual extinction, were caused by the white man's thirst for gold.
He then drew a picture of their previous freedom and happiness, and ended by an appeal
to their common sense, calling upon them to be silent on the subject of gold being
in their country. The appeal was not made in vain. They jealously guarded all approaches
to it, and were silent to all but their own kindred. The Hudsons Bay Company had
no knowledge of it, until in
1856, I made the following proposition to them. That my friend, whose secret it was,
and who was unconnected with the Company, two other friends and I, should be permitted
to work this quartz mine, the Company to furnish the capital, and the profits to be
divided 5/10
ths to the Company, 1/10
th to each of us, & 1/10
th to promote
the education and civilisation of the Shooshwap Indians. The Company declined the
proposition for two reasons: they had not a right to grant it, and even if they had
would be afraid of being embroiled with Indians. They did not doubt, by what I could
understand, the existence of gold in very large quantities.
I made
CaptPalliser acquainted with the locality of this mountain, and it would not astonish me to hear,
he had crossed the
Rocky Mountains, and endeavoured to discover it. By a letter I received a few days since from
Vancouvers Island, I am informed that
Mr Dallas, one of the directors of the Hudsons Bay Company, who belongs or did belong to the
firm of Matheson & Co. in
London, and who has lately married a daughter of
Governor Douglas of
Vancouvers Island, is gone into the interior, and probably with the same purpose of exploration, as
he knows of my application to the Board, of which he was a member.
I am inclined to think a plan like the one I proposed to the Hudsons Bay Company would
be better for the interests of the Indians, (if it be a veritable gold mine in a quartz
matrix) than any other that can be adopted; as I know Indians are unable to bring
an undertaking of this kind, to a successful issue. Should this prove what I suppose
it to be, a connecting link of the gold strata range from
Queen Charlotte's Island to the Californian mountains, and it be granted away by the government on the principle
I propose, I hope you are of opinion that my friends and myself are entitled to such
grant, independent of any other than
Capt Palliser, whom we should like to include as one of the grantees.
I trust you may have seen the necessity of my telling you all this, and altho' I may
appear to have pled my own cause, believe me it has not been from any unworthy motive.
Whatever the issue of this matter to my friends and myself
may be, I am very thankful that I have given you the report of such a crater gold
mountain being in existence, as if it prove a fact, such information may be the means
of saving human blood. This I hope will be considered an ample apology for addressing
I have the honor to be Sir with
profound respect
Your most obed
t humble
John Miles
Rt. Honble. Sir E. & B. Lytton; Bar
t, M.P.
Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies
Colonial Office,
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
e with thanks (through the Governor) & stating that H.M.
Govt are precluded, on general grounds, from entertaining a proposal which would confer
on any Company, or private individual the exclusive right to work gold mines in
B. Columbia. Shew this to
Coll Moody & send copy of the correspondence to the Governor.
Yes. The story is a curious one, but I do not see what the writer's discovery is,
on his own observing, only something some Indians told him of.
Sir Edward
This curious history calls to mind the stories of the golden peaked hills
wh haunted the Spaniards during their earlier invasions of Mexico. I suppose
Mr Miles must be thanked & informed as suggested by
Mr Blackwood?
Yes—& if not a breach of confidence, I think both the
govr &
Col Moody may have copies of this letter. My only doubt is whether that
wd be fair to M
r M. I am not incredulous as to some truth in the story.
Other documents included in the file

Draft, Colonial Office to
25 October 1858, transmitting a copy of the letter and reply given, and suggesting
Miles be given priority in working his claim.

Draft, Colonial Office to
Governor Sir E. Head,
25 October 1858, requesting him to inform
Miles that applications for working gold mines can only be made by the governor of the
colony, and that a copy of his letter has been forwarded to
Governor Douglas.
Minutes by CO staff

Mr Blackwood
Mr Miles' letter be sent to
Gov. Douglas? He might under the gold regulations obtain a grant of the vein in question? & it
might not be fair to him to disclose its position until he has had an opportunity
of prosecuting the discovery himself.
I think
Mr. Miles' letter should, as
Sir Edward proposes, be sent to
Douglas, & that the
govr be instructed to consider favorably

any application which may be addressed to him by
Mr Miles for a grant to work the ideal quartz-mine, subject of course to existing local regulations
& conditions.
And so write to the Governor sending him a copy of this correspondence.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Carnarvon, Earl
Dallas, Alexander Grant
Douglas, Sir James
Head, Sir Edmund Walker
Irving, Henry Turner
Lytton, Sir Edward George Earle Bulwer
Merivale, Herman
Miles, John
Moody, Colonel Richard Clement
Palliser, Sir John
Places in this document
British Columbia
Fraser River
Haida Gwaii
New Caledonia
Oregon Territory, or Columbia District
The Rocky Mountains
Thompson River
Vancouver Island