No. 9
14 August 1858
Frequent inquiries are addressed to this office on the subject of
the disposal of Land in
British Columbia to Companies or private
individuals in this Country. In consequence of the ignorance in which,
from the peculiar circumstance of the case, I am placed as to your views
on a subject of such great importance to the future wellfare of this new
Colony, I have foreborne answering these enquiries, or encouraging
expectations which might not be realized. It is therefore very
necessary that you should at your earliest convenience, communicate to
me the impression which you entertain on this subject, accompanied by
all the information which you can collect.
In the meantime you will take the following provisional rules to
guide you:
1. With regard to the very important subject of the disposal of
land, you are authorized to sell land merely wanted for agricultural
purposes (whenever a demand for it shall arise) at such upset price as
you may think advisable. I believe
that a relatively high upset price
has many advantages but your course must, in some degree, be guided by
the price at which such land is selling in neighbouring american
territories. But with regard to land wanted for town purposes (to which
speculation is almost certain to direct itself in the first instance) I
cannot caution you too strongly against allowing it to be disposed of at
too low a sum. An upset price of at least £1 per acre is in my opinion
absolutely required in order that the local government may in some
degree participate in the benefit of the probable sales, and that mere
land jobbing may be in some degree checked. Whenever a free legislature
is assembled, it will be one of its duties to make further
provisions on
this head.
2. To open land for settlement gradually; not to sell beyond the
limits of what is either surveyed or ready for immediate survey and to
prevent, as far as in you lies, squatting on unsold land. Mineral lands
will require a special care and forethought, and I request your views
there on.
3. To keep a separate account of all revenue to be derived from
the sale of land, applying it to the purposes for the present of survey
and communication, which indeed should be the first charge on the land
revenue; and you will of course remember that this will include the
expense of the survey party (viz. Sappers and Miners) now sent out. I
shall be anxious to receive such accounts at the earliest periods at
which they can be furnished.
4. Foreigners, as such are not entitled to grants of Waste Land of
the Crown in British Colonies. But it is the strong desire of Her
Majesty's Government to attract to this territory all peaceful settlers
without regard to Nation. Naturalization should therefore be granted to
all who desire it, and are not disqualified by special causes, and with
naturalization the right of acquiring Crown land should follow.
5. You will pardon me if I enjoin on you, as imperative, the most
diligent care that in the Sales of land there should not be the
slightest cause to impute a desire to show favor to the servants of the
Hudson's Bay Company. Parliament will watch with jealousy every
proceeding connected with
such sales and I shall rely upon you to take
every precaution which not only impartial probity but deliberate
prudence can suggest that there shall be no handle given for a charge, I
will not say a favor, but of indifference or apathy to the various kinds
of land jobbing, either to benefit favored individuals or to cheat the
Land Revenue, which are so frequent occurring at the outset of
Colonization and which it is the duty of Her Majesty's Government, so
far as lies in them, to repress.
I have etc.