No. 20
8 June 1859
Great inconvenience is Experienced in dealing with the postal
arrangements both in this Colony and in
British Columbia in
consequence of our not being provided with Colonial Postage
Stamps. Checks cannot be applied to guard against fraud
inconvenience, delay and expensive machinery; and indeed so long
as the prepayment of postage is made in coin no check or
supervision is really effectual.
2. Partly to correct the evil we have hitherto employed the
Postage Stamps of the United States, but for obvious reasons the
use of them in a British Colony should not be continued longer
than really necessary.
3. I am therefore induced to apply to you with the hope that
you will kindly issue the necessary directions that we may be
supplied with Stamps from Her Majesty's
Stamp Office, designed
to serve both for
Vancouver's Island and
British Columbia. The
expense, which I understand would not be heavy, we would gladly
repay, and the plates could remain in England so that a fresh
supply of Stamps could be obtained when the first stock was
4. To lessen expense we propose to have only one description of
Stamp, of the value of Two Pence Halfpenny and of such design as
may be deemed most fit by those competent to judge. A rough
sketch is forwarded herewith.
5. We would ask for a
Thousand Sheets of Stamps as a first
supply, presuming there will be about 240 in each Sheet,
A small instalment by post would be very acceptable.
and if the Post Office Authorities in England would kindly permit
a supply of about Three Dozen obliterating Dies, with a
proportion of Ink & Boxes, to accompany the Sheets, it would add
greatly to the benefit conferred upon the Colonies, and would
increase the obligations we should feel.
I have etc.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Merivale
Treasury, I presume, requesting Compliance.
And also, I think to the agent general directing him to place
himself in communication with the T
Mr Julyan has schemes
of his own about the supply of colonial postage stamps.
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
July 1859,
forwarding copy of the despatch and asking for compliance.
Merivale to
E. Barnard, Crown Agents,
6 August 1859,
forwarding copy of the despatch and asking that they contact Treasury
to discuss the subject.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Robinson
Mr Merivale is done with this will you let me have it that
it may be prepared for the Dukes signature.