No. 47
12 September 1859
I yesterday had the honor of receiving your Graces Despatch No
1 of the
2nd July, upon the subject of my message to the House
of Assembly,
Vancouvers Island respecting the erection of certain
Buildings required for the Public offices of the Colony.
2. As Your Grace appears somewhat to have misapprehended the
circumstances in connection with the matter, I trust you will
me, for trespassing upon your time in presenting you with
a detail.
3. The Building heretofore in use as the Government Office, was
extremely small and incommodious, and since the great increase
of business in consequence of the causes which led to the
establishment of the Colony of
British Columbia, and to the
rapid increase in the population of
Vancouvers Island, it has
been found absolutely impossible to carry on the Public business
in that Building with the degree of method and regularity which
is so essential to public interests; and which is so necesary
avoiding delay in the transaction of public matters. The
situation of the Building too, was most inconvenient. Entirely
isolated eight years ago when it was first erected, it had now
become surrounded by other Buildings, in close proximity and two
of the principal streets passed by its doors.
4. The necessity for providing other and better accommodation
was imperative, and the progress and circumstances of the Colony
required also, that Public offices should be erected for
different Officers of the Colony, whose business had hitherto
been transacted within the precincts of the stockade of the
Hudsons Bay Company.
5. To institute measures for providing this necessary and

fitting accommodation, I conceived to be my particular province,
and absolute duty.
6. The piece of Land upon which the small Building before
alluded to, was situate, as well as a small portion contiguous
to it, had from being in the very heart of the Town, become
exceedingly valuable. This allotment had been reserved by the
Hudsons Bay Company for Government purposes and I conceived that
by selling the Land, sufficient funds could be obtained to erect
the New Buildings required, and measures were actually
instituted to that effect. But here a difficulty suddenly
presented itself. The Colonial Government though in actual
possession of the Land had no Deed of Transfer and consequently
could not grant a Title. I consequently made arrangements
with the Agent of the Hudson's Bay Co. to surrender the Land, on
the condition of his placing at my disposal for the erection of
New Buildings, the sum of Money obtained by the sale.
7. This has been done, the whole proceeds amounted to about Six
thousand Five hundred pounds (£6,500).
8. The new Buildings have been erected upon a piece of
reserved for Government purposes. It is Ten acres in extent and
most conveniently situated, being sufficiently near to the Town
while removed from its noise and confusion. The Buildings
consist of the Colonial Secretary's Office, the Treasury, Land
Office, Court House, and House of Assembly, and the total cost
will not much exceed the sum before mentioned. The excess will
be defrayed from the proceeds of Two Lots still unsold, and your
Grace may rest assured, that it was no part of my plan nor is
it my intention, to ask Her Majesty's Government for funds to
meet the expense of
this undertaking.
9. I trust that this explanation may serve to place the matter
on its proper footing in the eyes of Your Grace and may be
deemed satisfactory.
10. I did not conceive it necessary to obtain the sanction of
the House of Assembly to the expenditure of the money, as it was
produced by the Sale of Land, a portion of the Revenue of the
Colony over which they at present have no control, and for the
other reasons stated in my message. The proceeding was known
and approved of by various members of the House, but it was
by others, as is every Government measure, for
reasons best known to themselves.
I have etc.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
It seems to me that this explanation is satisfactory: but it was
impossible for us to imagine from his despatch of the
14 May the
details the Governor now furnishes us with.
As this is a Land question possibly you will wish a refce to
the Commissioners in the first instance.
As this did not go to the Land Board in the earlier stages,

hardly need go to them now. Answer the Governor that his
explanation is sufficient?
Mr Merivale will like to see this, when he returns to the
Other documents included in the file
Merivale to
H.H. Berens, Hudson's Bay Company,
7 December
1859, requesting further clarification of the arrangements made
Douglas and
Dallas, the company's agent.