Sir F. Rogers
By the Grant of
VanCs Island (
13 Jany 1849) it is
provided that the Crown shall have power at the expiration of the
H.B.Co.'s licence of exclusive trade with the Indians (
13 May 1859) "to
repurchase & take of & from the said
Govr & C
o the said
Island & premises
hereby granted, in consid
n of payment being made by us, our Heirs &
Succ[ess]ors to the said
Govr & C
o of the sum or Sums of money
theretofore laid out and expended by them in and upon the said Island
& premises, and of the value of their establishments, property &
effects then being thereon".
20 Jany 1858 Mr Merivale by direction of the S. of S. gave
notice to the C
o of the intended

resumption of
Vancs I. & called on
them (1858) to furnish a statement of the sums of
which they
wd claim repayment under the condition of the grant above
quoted. In answer the C
o on
24 Feby sent in accounts showing
claims, many of them indeterminate in nature & amount, to the extent
of £225.699.9.11. On a reference to this Board we pointed out
(19 Ap
l) that the first question to be decided was
whether the C
o were to be altogether removed from
Vancs I. or to be
allowed, if willing, to retain their trading establishments—that in
the former case an amount probably not less than that claimed would,
subject to verification

on the spot, be payable to them, but in the
latter case that they would be entitled to claim no more than ab
£34,000 the verification of which might probably be effected in this
Upon receipt of this Report the C.O. referred the whole of the papers
to the L[aw] O[fficers] for their opinion whether the obligation on
Govt to compensate the C
o if the Crown repurchased
the Island
extended to their establishments & property got together in
consequence of & in relation to their commercial operations as a C
carrying on Trade with the Indians, as well as to those erected & got
together in consequence of their territorial possession of the Soil &
to facilitate the settlement & government of
the Island, or to the
latter only. The

L.O. reported that the Crown was only bound to
compensate the C
o for sums laid out upon
the Island & premises as
owners thereof & for the value of the establishments, property &
effects of the C
o being thereon & connected with such Ownership—but
not for the establishments or property got together in consequence of
their commercial operations. The substance of this opinion was
communicated to the C
o for their information & the principle
involved in it accepted by them
In acknowledging the letter of
28 July Mr Berens says (
9 Augt)
There is no wish on the part of the C
o to call upon the
Govt to
assume any responsibility which does not fall strictly within the
terms of the grant. And as the
Govt is legally advised that it is
not under any obligation to assume any of the establishments or other
property connected with our trading operations, we will raise no
objection to the principle laid down by
Lord Carnarvon with respect
to any property of that class which may remain in
the Island.
& they were subsequently requested to furnish an amended account
drawn up in accordance with the principles thus laid down
28 July 1858 &
4 Septr 1858). Accordingly on
2d Novr they
sent in an account reduced to three items—viz
t 1 for public works &

d for the cost of sending out Settlers & 3
d for
loss on searching for Coal at
Fort Rupert. The whole claim amounted
to £46.524.12.6.
To the two first items no objection was taken, but the third
amounting to £12.469.5.7 appeared to us to fall rather within the
Commercial than the Colonizing operations of the C
o and the C
o were
(on a suggestion from this Board, slightly modified at the Col
Office) informed that unless they c
d bring evidence that it was
intended to carry the proceeds of the
Fort Rupert mine (if it
succeeded) to the public account their claim under this head could
not be admitted. In

their reply (
21 April) the Directors advert to
the difficulty of bringing evidence of an intention which never could
have had any practical operation, but expressed an opinion that under
the circes the C
o "altho they may have no strictly legal
right" had nevertheless an equitable claim on the liberal consid
n of
Govt. The Colonial Office answered (
1 July) by proposing a
reference of the claim to
Sir J. Coleridge.
This proposal brought forth
Mr Berens letter of
16 July—in which
after recapitulating the previous correspondence he states that when
the C
o agreed to accept the construction put on the grant by the
L.O. they did so "under the

full impression that the claim they had
sent in would be
admitted except in respect to those items which they agreed to take
out of it"—that according to their interpretation of the Grant the
Govt are bound to repay them
all the money they have laid out in
the Island and premises & to
replace them exactly in the position in which they were before they
took possession of
the Island—& therefore that if it is proposed to
except any portion of their property "as hav
g been unproductive"
they rely on the grant as entitling them to call on
Govt to take
back all the possessions they have acquired since its date & to
reimburse them their whole expenditure. They state that they are

to leave the whole question of their rights under the grant
Sir J. Coleridge, but not the isolated question proposed by the
C.O.—and they conclude with a demand for payment of the whole sum
embraced in the accounts sent in on
24 Feby 1858, except the value
of the property held by them before the grant, amounting to
£27.959.—& the value of Inventories of Goods &c £112.889.8.2
(erroneously stated at £ which will require to be
corrected to the date of the retransfer. The Colonial Office
declined this proposal to reopen the whole question, insisting on the
L.O. interpretation of

the grant—and referred the C
o to their
previous acceptance of the proposed principle of settlement. The C
in reply (
15 Octr) point out that they cannot be bound by the
L.O.'s opinion on a case to which they were no party & propose a
reference of the whole case to the Judicial Comm
e of the P.C. To
this letter no answer has been given.
The principal questions which appear to arise on this correspondence
First. Can the
Govt hold the C
o to their acceptance of the
principle of settlement admitted in
Mr Berens' letter of
28 July
1858. I do not see how that could be done.

The acceptance is not
expressed in any way that
wd be legally binding on the C
o & if they
now refuse to abide by it & it is attempted to enforce it the result
must be the reference of the whole matter to a Court of Law. But if
it is to come to this it
wd be better to accept at once their
proposal to refer the matter to the Judicial Comm
e & to get an
amicable instead of a hostile proceeding. At the same time it is
clear that the C
o have no ground for the assertion on which they
base their change of proceeding viz
t that they were under the
impression that the claim they sent in would be admitted, as in
Merivale's letter

communicating the L.O. opinion he expressly says
"how far the principle above adverted to may affect the other items
of the account must be matter of separate consideration in each
Second. If they cannot be compelled to abide by their previous
decision can any compromize be effected? It is clear that if the
Govt are compelled to take over the whole or any large portion of
the C
os expenditure (and the terms of the grant are so indefinite
that notwithstanding the L.O. opinion it is impossible not to
apprehend such a result) whatever has any relation to trading
establishments or Commercial enterprize will be simply wasted. The
only chance of reimbursement would be that

the C
o should repurchase
from the Crown—but as they
wd have no competition they
wd of
course repurchase only the profitable portions at their own price.
In short they
wd be in a position to make a good bargain & the Crown
be compelled to accept a bad one. It would be worth some sacrifice
to avoid this.
The compromize that occurred to me, as you know, is to revert to the
position of
2 Novr 1858 and to divide the
Fort Rupert Mine expenses.
This would give the C
o in round N
os £40,000—and the matter
might be settled at once. If they will not compromize & we are
driven to arbitration

or litigation, then arises the question.
Third, whether the C
o are entitled to retain their Farms &c which
they acquired before the grant of 1849. The words of the grant seem
wide enough even for this, but I cannot think that in justice such a
construction c
d be insisted on. The grant was evidently dealing
with operations to be undertaken & interests to be created under
itself & therefore subsequent to its date. It takes no notice of
interests actually then existing. And upon this point we cannot
ignore the correspondence which passed with Lord Grey before the
issue of the grant, the inference from which seems to be that the
would have received special grants of the property they had
acquired if it had not been felt that such special grants were
included in the general grant which was then in preparation. The
minor question was apparently forgotten in the major but it would
not I think be worthy of the
Govt to take advantage of such an
oversight. Nor is there any ground for adopting an illiberal policy
towards the C
o while such a policy
wd certainly damage
Govt if hereafter the matter were to come into a Court of Law.
Upon the whole, therefore, I do not think the C
o c
d be fairly
required to surrender property wh: they held

before the grant of 1849.
It does not occur to me that there are any other questions connected
with the
Vancs Island matter to be considered before we see
Berens &
Mr Maynard—Except perhaps, if no compromize seems likely
to be effected, to propose the surrender of
the Island, pending
the reference to arbitration by the Judicial Comm
e on some terms
that will leave the rights of each party in status quo.
The nature & extent of the C
o's claims are stated in my report of
Augt last, which is among these papers. It is clear, I think, that
if those claims were to

be decided on their own merits alone the C
could put forward no legal title to any of the Land and the
Govt wd
be at liberty to deal with them on principles of justice & with equal
reference to the claims of the public as to theirs. But the matter is
complicated by the Oregon Treaty & by the interpretation put upon it
by the L.O.
By the 3[rd] article of the treaty it is stipulated that "The
possessory rights of the H.B. C
o and of all British subjects who
may be already in the occupation of land or other property lawfully
acquired within the said territory shall be respected."
The L.O. say that the term "possessory rights"

has a well understood
meaning in Treaties & that when used as in the above stipulation it
signifies that possession & absolute property shall be considered &
treated as identical. The C
o allege that the Land which they claim
is that wh: they possessed before the Oregon Treaty—that it stands
on exactly the same footing as the Land within the Territory ceded to
the U.S. by that Treaty, the property in which has been conceded to
the H. Bay C
o on the representations of the British
Govt—and they
urge that the British
Govt cannot maintain their rights as against
the United States and refuse them as against themselves under
precisely similar circumstances.
The only possible answer to this argument as it seems to me is, what
you threw out in conversation, that G
t Britain being about to divest
herself by the Treaty of the power of hereafter dealing with the
o's claims south of 49
o and being unable to place them in exactly
the same relation to the U.S. as they had occupied towards herself
could not do otherwise than
stipulate for placing them on a solid footing—and to that extent
improving their position—but that it does not follow that she should
equally abandon the power of dealing with the claims which remained
within her own boundary. To this it may be answered that we must
assume that England intended to act fairly by

the U.S. as well as
by the H.B.C
o and would not have demanded any thing of them which
when required of herself she refuses on grounds of public policy.
This answer, however, does not appear to me conclusive. The Oregon
Treaty was avowedly a compromize and it is not unreasonable to assume
that the U.S.
Govt were willing to allow Br. subjects to obtain
better titles than they before possessed in the ceded territory
(which would be in consonance
moreover with the U.S. Laws in respect to Squatters) as one of the
concessions to G
t Britain, in return for Gr. Britain's surrender of
her claim to the whole right bank of the
Columbia River. The Land in
question was of no value at the time of the Treaty, nor was there
then any reason

to expect that it would for many years be required
for settlement. It might therefore be fairly asserted that in
granting the privileges demanded for Br. subjects no public interest
was sacrificed—but rather that the only probable resource for
opening the Country was protected & encouraged.
The matter is different since the discovery of gold in
Br. Columbia.
The claims of the C
o come there in direct opposition to public
interests & the
Govt is therefore bound to construe them strictly.
If they were admitted the progress of the Colony might be seriously
interfered with & a large portion of the Revenue to be derived from
Sales of Land be diverted from the public Treasury to the C
o. The
Govt therefore while it is bound to do justice to the C
o is not at
liberty to do more and the question is what justice absolutely
requires. The C
o have themselves considerably reduced their claim
in their last communication. In the letter of
12 Octr 1858 Mr
Berens asked for a recognition of all their possessions "taking as a
basis the land occupied & pastured by the Cattle of the C
o before
the influx of Miners"
adding that the C
o proposed the same title to these lands as those
Oregon. In the last letter dated
6th Octr last Mr Berens
claims the benefits of the Oregon Treaty stipulation only for the
Lands acquired by the C
o before the date of that Treaty—accepting

for the rest of their lands the principles laid down in the C.O.
letter of
14 Septer viz
t the grant in Towns only of Land on which
buildings have been erected—the grant in Country Lands only of Lands
which have been cultivated—& Licence of occupation of Pasture Lands.
It may probably appear on investigation that the Lands acquired by
the C
o before the Oregon Treaty are of no very great extent—for it
is stated in
Mr Berens first letter that before that date their Trade
was sent by the route of the
Columbia—& that it was only on the
Cession of the course of that River to the U. States that they opened
up the route thro
Br. Columbia 
beginning at
Fort Langley "which had
long previously been established." If by this is meant that the
claim which they now put forward at
Fort Langley existed before the
Oregon Treaty it is clear that the
Govt must resist it, for they
claim 10 acres in the Town & 6400 acres in its immediate
neighbourhood. But is is most likely that the greater portion of
this was acquired later & may therefore be treated as open to
Under any circes it is evident that their claims cannot be
decided on without a searching enquiry on the spot—which, it
appears, is to be committed to
Coll Moody. All that

could now be
done would be to settle the principles on which they were to be dealt
with. It appears to me that if the C
o are made to understand
clearly that the argument derived from the Oregon Treaty is not held
to be conclusive—and that irrespective of it they are not considered
to have any legal title they may be brought to consent
to some compromize which without being unfair to them will not be
injurious to the public.
When you have made up your mind in the matter we had better ask
Berens to call here—as it has already stood over, from accidental
circes some time.