I have to acknowledge your letter of the
16th ultimo, enclosing a
Despatch from the Governor of
VanCouvers Island (
19th July N
o 25)
reporting the proposed sale of certain inferior land in the
neighbourhood of
Victoria at a reduced price, and the intention to
open the
Cowitchan &
Nanaimo valleys for settlement.
Governor Douglas encloses a letter from
Mr Pemberton, the
Colonial Surveyor, proposing that as certain lands in the
neighbourhood of
Victoria are of an inferior description, and as if
not occupied the survey lines will be obliterated, they should be
sold at 4
d an Acre, instead of 20
Governor Douglas
reports that he had approved this proposal, and that the land would
be put up to sale on the
1st August last at the price suggested.
The only objection to such an arrangement of which I am aware is,
that it induces settlers to purchase land which
is not the most
advantageous for settlement—but as the tracts in question are not
extensive and there are public objects to be promoted by the
arrangement, it does not appear to me necessary to insist on that
objection. Moreover the transaction will probably have been
concluded before any instructions from the Secretary of State could
reach the Colony.
Mr Pemberton further proposed that considering the small number
of bĂ´na fide settlers in the Colony the Lands at
Cowitchan and
which have been surveyed should for the present be closed, to avoid
the dispersion of Settlers in the presence of numerous Indian Tribes.
From this view
Governor Douglas dissents as likely to give rise to
complaint and retard the legitimate progress of the Colony. On this
point the opinion of the Local Authorities must be supreme, and, I
apprehend, that the Secretary of State cannot do otherwise than
acquiesce in
Governor Douglas' decision.