Treasury Chambers
4 May 1859
In reply to
Mr Elliot's Letter of the
29th Ultimo, Enclosing Copies
of a Correspondence which has passed relative to the erection of
Lighthouses in Fucas Straits, and the Approaches to
Vancouver's Island; I am directed by the Lords Commissioners
of Her Majesty's Treasury to acquaint you, for the information of
E Bulwer Lytton, that my Lords approve of measures being taken for
sending out immediately from this country, the apparatus required for
the two Lighthouses proposed to be erected.
They also approve of the sum of
seven thousand pounds (£7000) being
inserted in the Estimate for
British Columbia, with the understanding
that one half of that sum will be hereafter repaid from Colonial
Funds, and that the Contribution from Imperial Funds towards the
erection of the Lighthouses will be limited to three thousand, five
hundred pounds (£3,500).
Their Lordships are of opinion that it would be inexpedient to place
any portion of this Charge upon the General Estimate for Lighthouses
abroad, and that it would be desirable to include it for the present,
with the other Items which are to be repaid wholly or in part, from
the Revenues of
British Columbia, and
Vancouver's Island.
Adverting to the excessive expenditure already incurred in the
attempt to erect a Lighthouse on the Basses Rocks
the coast of
Ceylon—attributable in a great degree to the want of a proper and
clear understanding as to the Parties upon whom devolved the
responsibility of the Work—My Lords request that
Sir EB Lytton will
Governor Douglas fully aware that altho the Board of Trade will
readily afford any advice or information, and will send out from this
country the Lighting apparatus, they decline undertaking any
responsibility as to the selection of the site or the construction of
the Towers; and My Lords, in sanctioning the Estimate of £7,000,
trust that
Sir EB Lytton will instruct
Governor Douglas to consider
himself responsible for the adoption of proper means for selecting
the site, and having the construction of the Work properly superintended.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
It will now be necessary to write to the Board of Trade, apprizing
Dt of this determination, & requesting that measures may be
taken for sending out to
V.Couvers Isd, with as little delay as
possible, the requisite apparatus for the proposed two Lights.
2. I would also apprize the Admiralty of the result requesting them
to instruct their Naval Officers on the Spot to render all the
assistance, by advice & otherwise, which they can to the proposed
And 3
y I would send the Governor a copy of the correspondence
in which we have been engaged on the subject—tell him that the B
d of
Trade will send out the Lighting apparatus as speedily as
possible—and that the moiety of the expense, which the two Colonies
are to pay, must be borne in such proportions by them as he may think
equitable. (
VanCouver's Isd has a Legislature, & can vote the
thly You will, I fear, have to add this item to the
B. Columbia
The Colonial Estimates are finally settled and gone to the printers
to be struck off, so that it is too late to make any alteration this
year. The item must be held over for insertion next year.
I should follow
Mr Blackwood's Minute merely departing from it so
far as to explain that it has been too late to insert an item for the
lighthouses in this year's Parl Estimates, but that the provision for
that purpose announced in the correspondence will be submitted to
Parliament next year, and that in the meantime any requisite amounts
will be advanced on account.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Secretary to the Admiralty,
13 May 1859, asking that naval
officers in the area be instructed to render all possible assistance
in the construction of the lighthouses.