I am commanded by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to
acquaint you, for the information of the
Duke of Newcastle, that
since the date of their letter of
4th May last, they have considered
that it would be more consistent to provide the sum of £7000 for the
erection of two Lighthouses in
Vancouver's Island in the Estimate for
Lighthouses abroad.
I am to transmit copy of a letter from the Board of Trade and to
state that their Lordships
agree with the opinion therein expressed
that all sums advanced in the Colony on account of the Lighthouses
should be drawn for upon, and all accounts in respect of the Works
carried on in the Colony rendered to, the Board of Trade.
I am to request that, if His Grace approves of this arrangement,
instructions may be given to the Governor of
British Columbia, as
requested by the Board of Trade.