No. 13, Legislative
10 March 1860
I have the honor to communicate for your Grace's information that the
Legislature of this Colony did, according to Summons, Commence its
session on the
1st day
day of the present month, an event which
attracted much public interest and attention.
2. I forward herewith a Copy of a Message to the Legislature which I
delivered on that occasion.
3. It distinctly announces, according to your Grace's instructions,
the decision of Her Majesty's Government requiring
Island, like other British Colonies, to provide for the expenses of
its own Civil Government, and to that extent, to be self
supporting—and then
proceeds to point out, in succession, the
measures which appear to be requisite, in those circumstances, for
the development of its resources and its growth in wealth and
4. I have strenuously recommended in the Message that powerful
inducements should be held out for the encouragement of Emigrants
from the United Kingdom, as the distance of this Colony from Great
Britain, the Character of the Country, Chiefly forest land and
expensive to clear, and the great facilities afforded to emigrants by
other British Colonies, and by the Government of the United States,
would, without such inducements, effectually divert emigration from
Vancouver's Island.
5. The cheap and easy acquisition of public land, and the formation
of safe and convenient roads are the measures, in addition to the
system of Free Trade and other advantages secured to the Colonists,
on which I
rely for the progress of the Colony in wealth and
6. I trust that the measure advocated and the general tenor of the
Message, may meet with your Grace's approval: it touches upon no
right or prerogative of the Crown, and yet leaves room for the free
expansion of settlement and Communal industry.
7. The newly convened Assembly consists of 13 Members whose names
will be found in a statement accompanying this Despatch.
8. Mr
9. Copies of the address from the Legislative Council and House of
Assembly in reply to the Message are also herewith forwarded.
10. The House will soon take up the serious business of the session
and their proceedings will be duly reported for your Graces
I have etc.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
I see nothing to object to in the Speech, but it is unusual to do
more than acknowledge receipt of such communications.
The portion of this Speech about the Civil List & future surrender of
the Crown Lands, is correct & satisfactory.
It appears to me that there are at this time two principal subjects
of anxiety about this Colony, 1st the burthensome military
expenditure which it is quite unable to defray, and 2ndly, the
question of the best mode of disposing of the public lands.
On the former point I am collecting the facts, with a view to seeing
whether any practical suggestion can be offered.
On the second the Governor's opinion has been invited in reference to
a project of
Capt Clarke's.
I think that it will be enough to acknowledge the Speech.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Printed copy of the governor's speech opening the current session of
the House of Assembly, no date, as per despatch.
House of Assembly to
Douglas, acknowledging the address, and pledging
their early attention to the measures raised in the speech, no date,
signed by
J.S. Helmcken.
"List of Members returned to serve the House of Assembly of
Vancouver's Island,
1860" (13 names).
Other documents included in the file
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Cameron, David
Clarke, Andrew
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Finlayson, Roderick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Fraser, Donald
Helmcken, John S.
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Work, John
Places in this document
British Columbia
Vancouver Island