No. 22
23 April 1860
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Grace's Despatch
of the
20th February, N
o 10, upon the subject of a Bill drawn by
Mr W.A.G. Young for the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty pounds
(£250.0.0), presumed
by Your Grace to be on account of his Half Years
Salary as Colonial Secretary; and calling my attention to the
irregularity of the proceeding and to the Colonial Regulations wherein
the manner of drawing Bills is distinctly pointed out.
2. I have called upon
Mr Young for an explanation of this matter,
and I forward herewith his report, from which Your Grace will
perceive that the Bill in question was not drawn for Salary, but
appears to be part of the Sum of Two Thousand Pounds (£2000.0.0)
which I was obliged to draw to meet Military Expenses in
Vancouvers Island, and of which I have duly advised Your Grace in my Despatch of
27th of August last, N
o 42.
3. It has always been a matter of some difficulty to effect a
favorable negociation of our Bills, as the large supply of Navy
Bills—which being drawn at 7 days sight, obtain a readier
market—nearly equals the actual demand for sums of any considerable
amount. We have therefore been obliged to watch the market, and to
negociate our Bills as occasion offered. On my
departure for
Columbia in September last there was a large residue still to be
drawn of the sums required on Military account both for
Columbia and
Vancouver's Island, and of which sums I had already duly
advised Your Grace, and as considerable inconvenience would arise if
the Bills could not be negociated before my return, and as much loss
might ensue if any favorable opportunity were neglected, I authorized
Mr Young to countersign the Bills in my absence,
and I wrote a
letter to Her Majesty's Paymaster General, of which I beg to enclose a
Copy, duly acquainting him of such authorization.
4. I have always endeavoured strictly to comply with the rules
laid down in the Colonial Regulations relative to the manner in which
Bills are to be drawn, but the case in question, is, I conceive, one
where a departure from the letter, although not from the spirit of
those instructions
is justly demanded by circumstances.
I have etc.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Copy to Treasury with reference to our Letter of
16 Feb. 1860.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
W.A.G. Young, Acting Colonial Secretary, to
23 April
1860, explaining the circumstances of his having countersigned the bill
in question, with statement of bills signed by him.
Douglas to Paymaster General,
14 September 1859, advising that
he had authorized
Young to countersign bills during his absence.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
20 June 1860, forwarding copy of the despatch and enclosures.