No. 37, Legislative
6 August 1860
Since I had last the honor of addressing your Grace, in reference to the proceedings of the House of Representatives of Vancouver Island a numberManuscript imagenumber of useful measures have been prepared and introduced by the Attorney General, acting on Government behalf, of which a schedule is hereto appended.
2. Bills have also been introduced by other Members of which the title is likewise given in the schedule.
The greater portion ofManuscript imageof those Bills have now reached their final stages, and they will probably be carried through the House in the course of a few weeks.
3. I have also caused a Bill for the Titles of Real Estate, to be introduced into the House; in sufficient time, to insure its passage before the close of the session.
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4. The Committee of Ways and Means has, after considerable discussion and delay agreed to the following votes, to wit:
Civil List (Salaries) £3200.
Expenses of the different
‹ Departments £3207.14.1
Education‹ Roads &c £9364.
5. During the early part of the session, the Government party metManuscript imagemet with considerable opposition from five or six of the Members, who exhibited a captiousness that no measure however useful or necessary appeared to have the effect of allaying.
This is the Governor's view, which must be adopted with some reserve by this Office: for I have reason to believe that some very able & independent men have been elected to this House of Assembly, who wish to act for the interests of the community.
This opposition has now however sensibly diminished, though it still exists to an extent which greatly retards theManuscript imagethe despatch of business.
6. Two of the Bills enumerated in the schedule are of considerable importance, to wit: The Bill to incorporate the Town of Victoria, and The Bill to provide for the improvement, repair, and laying out of roads.
The first of those Bills is in some respects an adaptation of the Canadian MunicipalManuscript imageMunicipal Act to the peculiar position of the Town of Victoria, and it is proposed to give to the Council a power to make Bye Laws for the regulation of their internal economy, which, upon receiving the assent of the Governor for the time being, shall have the force of Law.
7. The Second Bill introducesManuscript imageintroduces a system of statute labour on the rural roads and affords a means of composition to those prefering a Cash payment to the performance of the required labour.
8. A full report of all those measures will be prepared and forwarded for your Graces information atManuscript imageat the close of the present Session.
I have etc.
Minutes by CO staff
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Acke. saying that the Bills, of which he forwards the schedule, will be taken into consideration as soon as they arrive here. Submit this desph to Sir F. Rogers with the Acts.
ABd 27 Sep
Prepare draft, & afterwards submit the despatch & acts to Sir F. Rogers.
TFE 27/9
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Vide minute on 4322/61 V.C.I.
FR 18/5
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Schedule of bills introduced by the attorney general and other members, as per despatch.
Other documents included in the file
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Draft reply, Rogers to Douglas, No. 37, 2 October 1860.
Douglas, Sir James to Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes 6 August 1860, CO 305:14, no. 9341, 351. The Colonial Despatches of Vancouver Island and British Columbia 1846-1871, Edition 2.0, ed. James Hendrickson and the Colonial Despatches project. Victoria, B.C.: University of Victoria.

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