Mr Elliot
Two subjects are dealt with in these Papers—
st General Harney's extraordinary recent conduct in the
Juan affair, and
ly The claims of the H.B.C
o in Oregon.
With respect to the first topic—which thus far is satisfactorily
disposed of by the
Govt of the U. States—we shall now have the
means of ans
g Governor Douglas despatch which arrived a few days
ago. But I presume that despatch will still be communicated to the
For: Office, and perhaps with an enquiry how much or how little of
these Papers
Lord J. Russell wd wish that we should convey to the
2. The Hudson's Bay claims in Oregon is a matter which is arranged
exclusively by the For. Office & the information imparted to us in
this correspondence is merely sent to keep this Office apprized of the
state of the case.