Emigration Office
29 March 1860
We have to acknowledge your letter of
19th instant, enclosing a
Despatch from the Governor of
Vancouvers Island on the subject of a
proposal which has been made by
Mr Edward Stamp, on his own behalf
and that of others associated with him, to establish, on certain
conditions, a Saw Mill and other works in that Island, and the
concessions which the Governor has

promised to make to
Mr Stamp in
Mr Stamp proposes to establish a Saw Mill capable of delivering
50,000 feet of lumber a day—a Fishery, and a Patent Slip capable of
accommodating vessels of 2000 Tons burthen on condition
st That he is allowed to acquire a tract of 2000 Acres on the
Sea Coast for the support of his establishments.
nd That he should be allowed to acquire a further tract of
10000 or 12000 Acres, either absolutely or with an exclusive right of
cutting timber on it, and
rd That the place at which his establishments are constructed
should be made a Port of Entry.
3. After some correspondence
Governor Douglas has promised
Stamp, that if his undertaking is proceeded with, the Company shall
hereafter be at liberty to purchase, at the upset price of the day
for Agricultural Land, not exceeding under any circumstances £1 an
Acre, the land on which their establishments are to be placed, as
well as any timbered land on which they may have formed roads,
Wharves &c, not exceeding in the whole 15,000 acres. He has

promised to constitute the settlement a Port of Entry and to appoint
Mr Stamp a subcollector of Customs, but to ensure that the enterprize
shall be proceeded with he has required that the sum of £7500 shall
be expended in permanent improvements on the Land in the course of
the present year.
4. It appears to us that this arrangement should be approved. It is
needless to enlarge on the importance to the Colony of such
undertakings as those contemplated

Mr Stamp—or the impolicy of
driving them to the United States by refusing any advantage which
could be granted without injury to the public. The only material
concession is the promise that the Company shall hereafter be allowed
to purchase the Land which they occupy without auction and at the
upset price of Agricultural Land. But it would obviously have been
fatal to the scheme to compel them hereafter to purchase their own
improvements, or to insist that the Land which had

been converted
into Town sites by their establishments should be paid for at the
price usually demanded for town sites. The value to the Colony of
such establishments must far exceed any amount that could be obtained
from the sale of the Land which they may occupy. At the same time
the immediate expenditure for which
Governor Douglas has stipulated,
and the sum which the Company will hereafter have to pay for their
land will be sufficient guarantees for the bona fide

nature of the
5. The transaction cannot of course be completed till after the
retransfer of
Vancouvers Island to the Crown, but in the meantime the
Company will no doubt enter on their Land and commence their
operations on the faith of the Governors promise.
6. The only further observation which occurs to us is that it would
be desirable to determine clearly as soon as possible the conditions
under which the right of selecting 15000 Acres of forest is to be
exercised by the Company. The selection should

be made in blocks of
not less than a certain length and breadth and within a certain time.
Minutes by CO staff
Adopt the Commissioners' recommendations?
This is an interesting correspondence—& well illustrates the
necessity of settling the Land system of
V. Isl. &
B. Columbia
as soon as possible,

and of offering such terms to settlers, as will not drive them to the U. States, but
attract them to British
Other documents included in the file