Mr Elliot
The Officers, appointed at the instance of the Treasury to make the
preliminary examination of the H.B.C
o accounts, now report that if
there be proof in this Office or elsewhere that the proceeds of the
land sales in
V.C.I. during the 7 months ending
31 May/59 have been
paid into the Colonial Chest instead of being remitted to the
o, and if it be determined to prefer no claim to deduction
from the charge made by the C
o for the conveyance of Emigrants to
the Colony then

£25,000 may be paid on acc
t. But if otherwise
that then £20,000 only should be paid.
Now with respect to the first hypothesis the only despatch bearing on
the point in our possession down to yesterday is that of
24 Novr 59/871 which mentions that the
had been "forced to apply the monies arising from the sale of public
Lands" to the current expenses of the Colony. The extent of such
appropriation is not therein stated. But yesterday we
recd a
despatch from
Govr D. dated
7 Apl 60/5375—which I pass on
herewith—containing an abstract of the H.B.C
o Account with H.M. G
for disbursements in & for
V.C. Isld since it's first establishment
in /
49 to the
10 Novr/59. These accounts will have to undergo a
careful sifting before we can venture on accepting them as "true &
correct". They may, however, serve us on the present occasion. For
in referring to the acc
t N
o 1 you will notice that whilst in /
the proceeds from the sales

of land amounted to £7890, the proceeds
reported in N
o 2. for
1859 were only £425. Now as we know that a
good deal of Land has been sold of late I think it is to be assumed
Govr Douglas has taken the proceeds for Governmental purposes.
This is, however, no more than an assumption; and we
shd prefer
something more definite & to the purpose when paying away money to
the Hudson's B. C
o. At any rate, I think, that, though it may
cause additional delay, we ought not to move in the matter without
communicating to the T-y the accounts just
recd & asking them
whether they consider the inf
n they contain sufficient to justify
the payment of this £25,000.
The second hypothesis of the reporters is as to making any deduction
from the sum to be paid to the C
o for emigration expenses. I
presume that this point must be decided by the terms of the Grant of
V.C.I. to the C
o. Those terms are
payment of sum or sums of money
theretofore laid out & expended by them (the C
o) in & upon the said
d & premises & of the value of their establishments, property &
effects then being thereon,
and they do not seem, to me at least, to be expansive enough to
justify an attempt at any deduction being made on acc
t of the
increased value of the C
o's farms arising from Immigration effected
at the cost of the Empire.