Blake House Row
25th August 1860
To His Grace The
Duke of Newcastle
Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies
My Lord Duke,
I beg leave respectfully to submit to your Grace the following short
statement of a grievance for which I have no redress except through
the Colonial Department of Her Majesty's Government.
This letter which was signed "
Wootton" stated further that my
deceased Sons effects had been placed by the Writer in the hands of
the Registrar, as being the legal Administrator and that he alone
could receive the pay due by the government to the deceased at the
time of his death.
On receiving this communication, my Son having died unmarried and
Intestate and I being his sole next of kin, I wrote to the Registrar
a letter dated
15th Novr 1859 giving him instructions as to the
disposition of the property that had been handed over to him by
Wootton to whom I also sent a Copy of my Instructions to the
It is now several weeks since my Son
John Heseltine received a second
letter from the same
Henry Wootton dated
Fort Victoria 19th May 1860 in
which he says "The effects of your Brother have been sold and
realized nearly £300 which is more than sufficient to pay all debts"
but I have never to the present moment got any account from the
Registrar of the effects that have come to his hands nor of the pay
due to my deceased Son which he has received from the Government nor
has he in any way acknowledged or noticed my letter addressed to him
on the
15 Novr last.
I have reason to know that the debts of the deceased were very
inconsiderable in amount. The expenses of his Funeral were defrayed
by the Members of the Masonic Fraternity resident on the Island who
kindly attended his remains to the Grave, his rent was paid in
advance so that none could be due, and I have conversed with the
person who attended on him the last few days of his life and who
assures me that he had no debts except such small sums as might be
due for his weekly expenses.
Under these circumstances I respectfully submit that
Mr Williams,
the Registrar whose conduct is in question has failed in this
instance to discharge a duty which he was bound by the tenure of his
office to perform and as I have no means of redress except through
the Department of Her Majestys Government over which
your Grace
presides, I therefore humbly pray your Grace that he may be required
to render an account with proper vouchers of the effects of the
deceased which have come to his hands and to remit to me such balance
as may be due thereon.
I have the honor to be
Your Grace's most humble and obedient Servant
Sam R. Heseltine
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Refer to the
Govr for report and inform the writer?
We know nothing of the appointment of "Inspector of Steam Machinery".
Other documents included in the file
Beresford to
Newcastle, dated Hampton Court,
17 November
1860, reading as follows: "
Mr Beresford presents his Compts to
Duke of Newcastle, and begs to forward a memorial from
Mr Heseltine, a very respectable gentleman one of his constituents, & hopes that his Grace will
give it due attention."
Fortescue to
27 November 1860, advising a
copy of his letter would be sent to the governor for report.
People in this document
Beresford, William Marcus Joseph
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Heseltine, John
Heseltine, Sam R.
Jadis, Vane
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Williams, Thomas G.
Wootton, Captain Henry
Places in this document
British Columbia
Vancouver Island