No. 1
Downing Street
2 January 1860
With reference to your despatch No. 47 of the
12th September
last, and my answer of the
1st ultimo relative to the erection of Public
Buildings in
Vancouver's Island, I now transmit you copy of a letter
Mr Berens commenting on your
despatch on behalf of the Hudsons
Bay Company and of the answer which I have caused to be addressed to that
You will observe that it is necessary that your report on the whole
subject should be full and explanatory, as the matter is one involving
serious considerations.
You will also observe strictly the caution expressed in that
letter, and let it be fully understood that Her Majesty's Government are
not prepared to recognize any private ownership
of soil in
Vancouvers Island by the Company by any title anterior to the grant. It must rest
with the Company to take such steps, in vindication of such supposed
title, as they may think proper.
You will further furnish me with as little delay as you
conveniently can, with a report in which the land claimed by the Company
Vancouvers Island by anterior title is distinguished from such land
as they may have acquired, in their private capacity and in accordance
with the
land Sales Regulation, since the date of the grant. On this
subject I have to refer you to your despatch of
15 July 1858, containing
a Return of "land sold to any individual or Company" in which the
Hudsons Bay Company appear as purchasers of several specified lots.
I have the honor to be sir
Your most Obedient humble servant
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)