No. 47
14 July 1861
With reference to former Correspondence upon the subject of postal
communication with
Vancouver Island and
British Columbia, I have the
honor to acquaint your Grace that the Steam Ship "Pacific" arrived
this morning from
San Francisco, and that by her we received the
English Mails of the first half of the Month of
May, the same having
been sent on by Her Majesty's Consul at
San Francisco packed in a Box
as Freight.
Mr Booker writes however that this arrangement cannot
be continued, that he is averse to being a party to it knowing that
the Owners, if aware of it, would refuse to carry Mail matter in this
manner. I concur with
Mr Booker in these views, and to prevent our
being entirely cut off from communication with the Mother Country, I
have no option but to accede to the demand made by the Owners of
Pacific, mentioned in my Despatch of the
25th Ultimo marked
"Separate", viz to pay the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars
($250) for each trip, as compensation for the service of carrying our
Mail Bags between
San Francisco and
2. This outlay, however, in no way either lessens or removes the
disastrous results to these Colonies, from the absence of direct
steam communications from the Mother Country, which are so forcibly
depicted in the Memorial which accompanied my before mentioned
Despatch. It merely provides that
when the Owners of the Pacific
think fit to send her to
Victoria she shall convey the letters which
have accumulated at
San Francisco for
Vancouver's Island and
British Columbia: and we cannot expect more, for the sum is too small to be
viewed in the light of a subsidy under which conditions would be
imposed. The Pacific will in all probability continue to visit us at
intervals of about 3 weeks, but she will call at all the intermediate
ports, and her passengers will be enticed away, and her freight incur
quadrupled risks as heretofore.
3. I need not point out to
Your Grace that if the progress and
settlement of these Colonies is most seriously checked and retarded
by the want of direct Steam communication from Great Britain so also
do British interests most materially suffer through the limited
consumption of a class of goods for which an excellent market exists,
but which in these days no Shipper will expose to the risks of the
long voyage around
Cape Horn, and which are consequently very
sparingly drawn from the
San Francisco Market (scarcely

affecting the consumption in that market) at prices greatly enhanced
by foreign duties and foreign transport charges.
4. Notwithstanding the comparative smallness of these Colonies, yet
from the high cost of the actual necessaries of life, and other
circumstances, the annual gross expenditure must be upwards of three
quarters of a million pounds Sterling, or in other words that even in
the present state of these Colonies that amount of money goes from
them every year. Of this sum
I can only find that about £70,000 is
for British goods imported direct from the Mother Country. It
consequently follows that these Colonies contribute annually, and
with the least amount of advantage in return, a sum of not less than
nearly £700,000 to the benefit of the commerce of the United States
generally, and to the material prosperity of the State of California
and City of
San Francisco particularly.
5. The establishment of a direct route from the Mother Country would
sensibly affect this
state of things. It would encourage emigration
from Great Britain, it would create a large demand for English
goods, and the Shipper would have confidence in endeavouring to supply
that demand, it would admit of the direct importation of every
description of light and Costly goods which from
Victoria being a
Free Port could be supplied to the Countries on this Coast at such
rates as have heretofore been unknown, and as would incite an ever
increasing demand. It would carry our gold and bullion direct to
England and prevent them
swelling the Exports of a foreign gold
producing Country, and lastly a direct Steam communication is the
only means by which these Colonies can acquire any stable foundation
or fixed population: the close contiguity of the United States
Territory with its greater advantages and inducements being too much
otherwise for these Colonies successfully to compete.
If so then [I] see no use trying [to] bolster them up.
6. As another reason in favour of direct communication
I would
mention that I am informed more than one half of our postal matter
never passes through the United States Post office at all. The
letters subject to the latter arrangement prepay a postage of
d/2, and are sent viâ Liverpool and
New York, and by the
Overland Route across the
Rocky Mountains to
San Francisco, and can
be carried for the same postage to any Post office in American
Territory nearest to
Vancouver Island; but letters not
so subject are
forwarded by the West India Packets to Colon or Aspinwall; and thence
to the Consul at
Panama. The Postage charged is 2
d, while
the postage on a letter to
Panama carried Exactly the same distance
by subsidized lines is only 1
s/-; consequently it may be inferred
that the additional 1
d is for the purpose of providing for its
transit to
Vancouver Island. But it is not so. The Mail Service
ceases at
Panama, and the Consul
as a matter of private favour
obtains the conveyance of the Mail Bags to
San Francisco by the
United States Steam Vessels. Your Grace's Despatches invariably come
to me by this means.
7. I trust that the considerations now advanced together with those
previously submitted, may induce Your Grace to encourage and obtain
the establishment of a direct Mail route from
Panama to these Colonies. I am inclined to
believe that the subsidy required would
not be Extravagant, and would in reality not exceed the actual value
of the Service to the Mother Country. I do not think that large or
costly vessels would be needed; an average speed of nine knots would
I have no doubt be sufficient; and if the Vessels touch at
San Francisco, as I presume they must call at some intermediate port for
coal, I do not doubt they would have a large
Share of the passenger
traffic on the Coast; for it is proverbial that the American Steamers
are, as a rule, overcrowded and uncomfortable, and the British
Vessels would only be permitted by law to carry a limited number of
passengers according to their tonnage.
8. I beg Your Grace to pardon my trespassing thus long upon your
attention; and I trust you will permit the subject, as being one of
vital importance to these Colonies, to be my apology.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
A despatch was received from the
Govr on Friday last on this
subject, which it was proposed to send to the Treasury. This despatch
should be included in the reference.
Mr Fortescue
To Treas
y (without comment?). I confess I see no reason for
pressing a subsidy. If
Vancouvers Island cannot force
its own way [to] prosperity & pay for the conveniences which it
requires, it is the last Colony
wh can urge claim [to] Imperial assistance. And the
Empire does assist
V.C.I. by sending the letters as far as Chagres.