No. 61
16 September 1861
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Grace's Despatch No
59 of 12 June, upon the subject of the services on account of which I
had drawn Bills upon Her Majesty's Paymaster General.
2. In return thereto I have the honor to acquaint Your Grace, that
the only service for which
this Government has drawn Bills upon the Imperial Treasury has been in
connection with
San Juan, principally to defray the cost of erecting
Barracks for the Royal Marines, and to pay the extra Pay granted to
them by Her Majesty's Government; accounts for the whole of which up
to the
31st March past have already been transmitted by me to Your
3. I will take care in future, in compliance with Your Grace's
instructions, that the service on account of which Bills may be drawn
be distinctly marked on the Bills themselves.
4. I forward herewith a Statement of all Bills drawn by me on
account of these Services, up to the present time; but I have never
upon any occasion drawn any Bills without representing the
circumstances to Your Grace, and advising the Paymaster General of
the particulars of each separate Bill.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
"Statement of Bills drawn by the Government of
Vancouvers Island
on the Pay Master General
London on account of the Royal Marines (
San Juan), for the years
1859 and
1860 and to the
30th June 1861," signed
16 September 1861.
Other documents included in the file