The Imperial Funds in the hands of this Government on account of
Expenses connected with
San Juan being exhausted, I have the honor
to advise your Grace that I have this day authorized the Treasurer to
procure by Bills upon Her Majesty's Paymaster General the Sum of One
Thousand Pounds (£1000) to enable me to meet the customary expenditure
upon the foregoing account; and I trust
your Grace will cause the
necessary steps to be taken that the Bills may be accepted upon
2. As these Bills can only be negotiated from time to time, and in
such sums, as demand may arise, I am unable to detail to Your Grace
the particulars of each separate Bill, but as the Bills drawn by
the Treasurer of
Vancouver's Island are invariably printed in
red, and conspicuously marked on the top "Government of
Vancouver's Island", while those drawn by the Treasurer of
British Columbia are printed in
and marked "Government of
British Columbia" no
difficulty can arise in distinguishing the Bills if these
distinctions be remembered.