Referring to the correspondence and information with which Your Grace
has been good enough to supply me upon the subject of the forthcoming
International Exhibition, I have the honor to acquaint your Grace
that I have appointed the gentlemen hereafter named to form the
Commission on behalf of the
Colony of
Vancouver's Island to represent
its interests at the Exhibition.
John Lindley Esq
re F.R.S.
Alfred John Langley Esq
re. A Member of the Legislative
Council of
Richard Charles Mayne Esq
re. Commander Royal Navy.
2. Her Majesty's Commissioners having appointed
Dr Lindley to
assist the Colonial Committees, I need not further refer to his
nomination on the Commission.
Mr Langley has but recently left
Vancouver's Island on a visit to England. He is a man of business, a
large property holder, and well acquainted with the resources of the
Mayne has just proceeded to England on promotion
after a service of nearly four years in Her Majesty's Surveying Ships
Plumper and
Hecate during which period he has rendered many services
to the Colony in the way of surveying and exploration.