Mr Fortescue
The Treasury are right in what they point out. This is in fact a
fresh complication arising out of the very peculiar and anomalous
circumstances connected with the detachment of the Royal Marines
transferred from China to
British Columbia.
You will of course remember that owing to the high cost of living and
to their having volunteered they were to be allowed higher pay. We
authorized double pay, but in the meantime they had been receiving
much higher pay on account of executing public works.
On hearing of it the
Duke of Newcastle sanctioned that higher pay for
so long as they
remained in
British Columbia. But they were
transferred to
San Juan and hitherto we have not known what they were
receiving there.
But it now appears that in virtue of the first authority to give them
double pay, the governor has accordingly drawn for that amount for
the time subsequent to their leaving off public works and being
stationed at
San Juan.
Considering that the place is doubtless dear, and that the officers
and men are detained there, as we have been distinctly apprized,
contrary to the rules and practice
of their service, I think that it
must be desirable and almost indispensable, to give them some such
premium in order to reconcile them to a duty lying beyond their
proper sphere of service.
Where is the money to come from? The Admiralty will assuredly not
pay, for they have long been remonstrating against the detention of
this detachment. And moreover, as was submitted on a former
occasion, it would probably create confusion and discontent if they
issued different rates of pay from Naval funds to any portions of the
Naval Forces. The War office might be invited to pay on the ground
that they have not been called upon to find troops for this unusual
Exigency, and that the Marines form a substitute. But still we
should have great opposition there to paying a naval force from
Military Funds. Can the Colony be asked to pay? We have remarked in
former minutes that it is hardly fair to ask a particular locality to
defray the Charge of an international dispute between England and a
Foreign Power.
The amount is small but the principle is large, and this is my excuse
for the length of the present minute. On the whole I am inclined to
believe that the best issue from the difficulties will be to introduce
a special item on the
B. Columbia Estimate to defray the Extra pay of
the Royal Marines.
P.S. I annex a mem
m of
Mr H. Irving, showing the amount that
will be required.
Duke of Newcastle
The Colonial Office had nothing directly to do with sending these
Marines to
San Juan. It was the result of a diplomatic arrangement
between the F.O. and the U.S.
Govt acc[ording] to wh. the island
was to be occupied by an equal military force of both nations. The
substitution of Marines for Troops of the Line was only a matter of
accident & convenience. I would therefore inform the Try that
you considered this a military expenditure, which sh. be borne upon
the Army Estimates—or defrayed by the War Department.
I believe that extra pay for Marines employed on special services on
shore—as in the China war—has before now been so defrayed.
I am not aware of any such precedent as
Mr Fortescue mentions for
paying Marines when serving on shore out of Army Estimates. If there
is such a precedent it may be followed in this case, but if not I
feel assured that the W.O. will resist a proposal to make one on the
present occasion.
Perhaps the better course will be to suggest it to the
Treasury—observing at the same time that the alternative is a
special vote on the
Columbia Estimate. I suspect this will prove to
be the only available course.