Foster to Fortescue (Parliamentary Under-Secretary)
Having been appointed by His Excellency
Governor Douglas to the
command of the
Vancouver Island Volunteer Rifle Corps I have the
honor to lay before you the copy of a communication relative to
the supply of Fire arms for the use of that Corps.
The Fire arms proposed to be furnished to the
V.I. Volunteer
Rifle Corps, are I consider, too antiquated and obsolete an arm
for the use of any corps in H.M. Service, and I do not think it
would be advisable for H.M. Government to incur even the expense
of their transport to the
I further consider that the possession of such an arm would
cause the
V.I. Volunteers to appear to great disadvantage when
placed in comparison with the troops on the U.S. continent.
I would therefore beg to suggest that the same arm be furnished
to the
V.I. Volunteers as that supplied to the volunteers of the
United Kingdom.
I have further to request that H.M. Secretary of State for the
Colonies will be pleased to order the gazetting of Officers
appointed by H.M. representative to hold commands in the
Volunteer Rifle Corps, and that such appointments shall have
permanent effect, and be subject to the rules & regulations
promulgated by the Horse Guards for the Volunteer Corps of Great
In venturing to offer this suggestion I would deprecate the
adoption of the annual Election of Officers practised in the
American States, feeling deeply as I do the necessity of keeping
the appointments of Officers in such a distant Colony, and one
also so close on the frontier of a foreign Country, under the
immediate controul of H.M. Government.
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
The Agent has reported the shipment of these Rifles, so that if
any representation on the subject is to be made to the War
office there is no time to be lost, even if it is not already
too late? The letter reporting the Shipment is in circulation
with a draft to the
As this case might have proved to be so urgent, I inquired into
it at once upon the receipt of the present letter on Saturday.
We ascertained however that the ship had actually sailed with
the rifles on board. I am afraid that the Brunswick Rifle is a
very old pattern: as to the question of gazetting officers,
there must be some general practice, with a reason for it, at
the War Office.
Forward this letter to the W.O.; tell them that the Rifles were
shipped in the [blank], which vessel is reported to have sailed
on the [blank]; and request to be favored with the views of the
Secy of State for War on the contents of
Colonel Foster's
This letter is the result of a conversation I had with
Lt Col
Foster. He is strong against election of Volunteer officers by
the men.
I have mislaid
this letter for 10 days. The S. for W. lately refused a request
V.I. for 500 more rifles. Write to W.O. as proposed by
Elliot & say that in present circumstances I recommend the issue
of 1000 superior rifles [if
Sir G. Lewis is of opinion that they
can be safely conveyed to the Colony].
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Under-Secretary of State, War Office,
14 December
1861, forwarding copy of the letter for their views, and
recommending the issue of 1000 superior rifles.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Colonial Secretary
W.A.G. Young to
29 August 1861, advising that the volunteer corps was to be issued free of cost 500
Brunswick rifles.