No. 14
14 March 1862
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Despatch N
o 72 of
9th of October last, transmitting copy of a letter addressed to your Grace by M
r John Irving applying
to to be allowed to relinquish
certain Lands purchased by him in
Vancouver Island prior to the
reduction of the price of Crown Lands from £1 to 4
d per acre;
and to have a deposit of £50 paid on such purchase, refunded to him.
2. Cases similar to
Mr Irving's have already occurred in the
Colony, and in dealing with them it has been made a rule to refuse to
purchasers of Crown Land the option of Cancelling purchases actually
completed, for the very
reasons reasons so forcibly stated in your Grace's
Despatch, Viz
t that such a proceeding would unsettle the whole Land
transactions of the Colony, and might involve the Colonial Government
in liabilities beyond its power to meet.
3. The alternative suggested by your Grace was also considered,
t to permit purchasers to select Land at £1 an acre to the extent
of the deposit money, and to relieve them from the rest of their
but but after examination this was found impracticable from the
very varied character of the land: one portion of a section or group
being worth considerably more than the original price, while the rest
would be worth considerably less: so that the practical effect of
permitting purchasers to select land according to the value of their
deposits, would probably have been to place the Government in the
position of being unable to sell the abandoned
land land at any price
whatever, and consequently of sustaining a loss of Sixteen Shillings
an acre on the land retained.
Again, had such a privilege been granted to those who had not
fulfilled their Contract on the ground of the general price of Land
being lowered, how could the Government have met the application of
those who had completed their Contract by paying in full, and who
desired to abandon the sections of inferior land they originally
4. The amount of instalments unpaid upon land had increased to such
an extent that it became absolutely necessary, at the close of last
year, to adopt some stringent measures either to compel the
purchasers to complete their contract, or to deprive them of their
speculative holding of the Land. After due notice, a forfeiture of
land on which instalments were overdue, was declared; and all that
was not in the occupation of actual
settlers settlers was resold at public
auction. The land of
Mr Irving fell within the category and would
have been sold but for the arrival of your Grace's Despatch now under
5. Under these circumstances I cannot recommend that any exception
should be made in the case of
Mr Irving: but I shall carefully
abstain from taking any action in the matter until I receive Your
Grace's instructions with respect thereto.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Emigration Commissioners,
12 July 1862, forwarding copy
of the despatch and requesting their suggestions and observations on
the subject.