3. It is with the most sincere regret that I find myself thus
imperatively called upon to defend myself from the very serious
reflections which Your Grace has esteemed it necessary to cast upon
me. I do so, however, unhesitatingly & fearlessly, conscious of my
own rectitude of action, and of my
honest endeavour to discharge the
trust reposed in me faithfully & impartially. In the career of my
office I have neither sought nor coveted the exercise of patronage,
on the contrary in the difficulties surrounding me gladly would I
have freed myself from that not the least of the responsibilities and
cares pressing upon me. Her Majesty's Government, however, thought
fit to charge me with that responsibility, and I did not shrink from
it—as I have not shrunk from any onerous duty demanded from my
but I have on all occasions endeavoured to discharge it to
the best of my knowledge and belief for the sterling interests of the
public service. From the moment that the circumstances of the
Country suddenly and urgently demanded the creation around me of all
the machinery of Government—amidst a state of previous quiescence &
retirement that precluded the existence on the spot of fitting
materials—from that moment until now, the selection of individuals
to perform its various functions
has been a matter of deep and
increasing anxiety. Easy indeed, by comparison, would have been the
task, had I been able to fall back upon a long tried and proved staff
of officials regularly educated in the service, and advanced from one
stage to another in regular gradation according to character and
ability: easy would it have been, light would have been the
responsibility, when it became necessary to make a fresh appointment,
if that appointment had been but to instal a junior clerk to a
subordinate office. But what has been my position? I will venture
to say it is without a parallel. I have had to organize a Government
Staff. I have been compelled to appoint at once to positions of
trust and responsibility men who I felt were not properly qualified
to discharge the duties required of them, but who were the best
qualified I could obtain; men of whom I, personally, knew
nothing; men in whom I, personally, had no interest; and of whom I
could only judge from the
Letters of introduction which they brought
to me, and from the Character they bore elsewhere, or had acquired
during their residence in the Colony. One person whom I appointed in
this manner was M
r Gordon, the defaulting Treasurer. I staved off
the responsibility of making such an appointment as long as it was
practicable. I employed the services of
Captain Gosset the Treasurer
British Columbia while the Treasury of that Colony was
temporarily established in
Vancouver's Island, but upon its removal
was forced to create the fresh office. I knew not where to find a
suitable person to fill it, whose antecedents and character were such
as I could rely upon with confidence. Of all the candidates for
public employment
Mr Gordon appeared the most fitting. He had been
12 months in the Colony. He had earned for himself a good
reputation. He had worked assiduously during part of the time as a
Clerk in a Barristers office. He had acquired a certain status and
position. He was a Member of the House of Assembly. He
had settled
in the Colony with his wife and a family of seven children. He was a
graduate of Cambridge—and finally he had presented to me not an
ordinary—but a special letter of introduction from Your Graces
predecessor in Office,
Sir Edward Lytton. Could I, under the
circumstances, have desired more satisfactory evidence of character
and respectability, or—as to the point I mainly sought—honesty?
Was it not natural that with such evidence I should have felt secure
in appointing
Mr Gordonto
to the vacant office. That his subsequent
defalcation may be discreditable to my Government I will not contest,
but much as I may deplore the circumstance—bitterly as I do feel
it—I must contend that I am more entitled to the sympathy than to
the reprehension of Her Majesty's Government.
5. With regard to Your Graces remarks upon the manner in which I
Mr Watson as a Successor to
Mr Gordon, I hasten to
express my regret that my Despatch should have led Your Grace into
the supposition that I had adopted any other course than that
prescribed by
the regulations of the Service. The appointment I
gave to
Mr Watson was merely
provisional, as I intended to convey by the use of the words "to
act as Treasurer," and in begging that Your Grace would be
pleased to obtain "Her Majesty's
confirmation of the appointment."
Mr Watson perfectly
understood this, and in leaving the Bank of British North America,
and accepting the appointment the only stipulation he made was that I
recommend his confirmation to the Secretary of State. The
immediate appointment of an officer was an act of imperative
necessity. Revenue was coming in every day. There was no Cashier or
other person to receive it. The Treasurer himself comprises the whole
staff of his Department, and it was necessary to keep that Department
in being: and the opportunity of obtaining the services of M
r Watson
was not to be thrown away. I feel very thankful that Your Grace has
confirmed the appointment, for
Mr Watson promises to be a most
useful Member of my Government, and
a most efficient public Servant.