I have to express my regret that the inconvenience caused to Your
Department by the use of paper of a size larger than that supplied
from Her Majesty's Stationery Office should not have been sooner
removed. The cause
however was attributable to circumstances beyond
my control as was explained in my Despatch N
o 88 of the
8h October 1860,
British Columbia. The paper referred to by Your Grace in your
Despatch N
o 86 of the
18h February last was shipped on board the
True Briton" bound for
Vancouver's Island in
August 1860. That Ship
however met with a series of disasters and did not reach
Vancouver's Island until more than Twelve months
afterwards. By a curious
coincidence she had also on board the Duplicate supply of Stationery
which we had ordered from Home in
April 1859, the original supply
having been lost with the Vessel conveying it, as mentioned in my
aforesaid Despatch. Therefore, until the arrival of the "
True Briton" we were, as I have before explained, entirely dependant for
our stationery upon the American Market.
2. I trust Your Grace will pardon my being thus minute in my
explanation, but I am so to shew that our use of paper of an
inconvenient size after Your Grace had called my attention to the
circumstance by Your Despatch of the 3 July 1860 No 38, did not
arise from inattention, but from inability to comply with Your
Grace's wishes.
3. The Colonial Agents General were requested on the
10 February
last to pay to
Her Majesty's Stationery Office the sum of £5:16:11
the same being the cost of the paper which Your Grace was good
enough to direct should be forwarded.