Mr Engleheart
As I understand that the
Duke of Newcastle has at present under
consideration the question of the form of Government of
Vancouver Island &
B Columbia it will probably be desirable that his Grace
should consider with them the Governor's Dispatch N
o 31 of the
May 1862 7227 and the Minutes and drafts connected with it relative
to the Creation of an Executive and a Legislative Council, instead of
one body as at present existing. I should at

the same time point out
that in the Minute on that Dispatch his Grace desired that the
question should be considered if adopting the Governor's suggestion
for the establishment of the two distinct Councils, but proposed that
nothing final should be done until he had fully considered the future
Governments of
Vancouver Island &
B. Columbia which he proposed to do
as soon as the Session of Parl
t was over. The drafts of a
supplementary Commission & Instructions were accordingly prepared
with a good deal of [ease?]
& approved by
Sir F. Rogers &
Mr Fortescue, but unfortunately they
were rather prematurely advanced, but the

Patent is not (as I am
informed) completed. If any alteration should be required it could
still be made, but probably that will not be the case. In the
mean time it would appear desirable that his Grace should have the
drafts of the Instruments before him in considering the general
question which I understand is now before him.