No. 56
3 December 1862
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Despatch of the
September last marked "Separate" calling my attention to the
occasional omission in the Colonial enactments sent home by this
Government, of the marginal abstracts required by established
rule to
facilitate their examination.
2. The cost of printing in this Colony is very great, and I find
that with the view to economize as much as possible, the practice of
placing the abstract of the clause
over the clause, instead of in the margin, was introduced. I
will, however, take care that in future the established rule be
strictly adhered to.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Answer that it is perfectly immaterial whether the running summary of
V.C.I. Acts is printed at the head of the separate clauses or in the
margin—but point out to
Govr Douglas that in many of the
Acts it is not inserted either in the one place or in the other.
Draft at once.
Other documents included in the file