No. 60, Legislative
30 December 1862
I have the honor to inform Your Grace that I closed the third Session
of the second Parliament of
Vancouver Island by prorogation on the
nd day of the present month; and I
forward herewith a copy of my
address to the Legislature on that occasion.
2. The object I have in view, in, at this time, taking that step, is
to bring forward the estimates for
1863 previous to the dissolution
of the Legislative Assembly which will close by limitation, on the
28th of Februarynext
Is it usual for an expiring Assembly to vote the supplies in fall [full?]
for the service of the coming year.
and I feel there would be a degree of irregularity in having the
estimates for two successive years voted in the same Session of
Parliament. It is moreover obvious, that, there should be no delay
in providing supplies for the coming year to relieve one from the
unpleasant dilemma of being Compelled,
either to expend the public
moneys without authority, or, altogether to suspend the public
works in progress. To await the meeting of a new Parliament would
involve several months delay, as the time occupied in the
registration of voters renders the completion of the lists, in the
manner prescribed by Law, impossible before the first week in
so that we could hardly be through with the Elections, and get a new
Parliament into the regular course of business, before the month of
June next. It was, therefore, indispensably necessary to take the
course which I have adopted, though, under less urgent
circumstances, I should have preferred the alternative offered by the
meeting of a new Parliament.
3. The
3. The Legislature is Convened for the transaction of business on
2nd of January next, as there are measures of the utmost
importance to the Colony, for instance—the Grant of a Charter
authorizing the Construction of a Rail-road from
Esquimalt Harbour to
Victoria, demanding immediate attention.
4. Having, in my
reports, accompanying the several acts passed
during the late Session, apprized Your Grace of the object and
character of our recent Legislation, I will not now trespass, at much
length, on Your Grace's time.
5. Twenty one acts including two Supply Bills, have altogether been
passed by both Houses, and received
my assent during the Session.
6. The Act incorporating the Town of
Victoria is a measure from
which much practical good is anticipated, and it will also have the
desirable effect of relieving my Government from a vast amount of
labor and responsibility, and of awaking a lively interest, and
enlisting, in a peculiar degree, the sympathies
and energies of the
public at large on behalf of the improvement of the Town.
7. In preparing the Incorporation Act the greatest care has been
taken to place a check on the improper or improvident expenditure of
the City Funds by empowering the Governor, for the time being,
absolutely to disallow, or, at his option, to
refer any By-Law to the
Municipal vote, thereby investing rate-payers with the fullest powers
for self protection.
8. The "Stamp Act," and the "
Victoria and
Esquimalt Harbour dues
Act," are properly speaking, revenue Acts imposing taxes for
defraying the annually accruing interest, and forming a Sinking Fund
applicable to the gradual repayment of the principal of the
Loan of £40,000 which, it is proposed to raise by virtue of the
Vancouver Island Road and Harbour Act"
1862. These taxes will yield
an amount of revenue fully equal, I believe to the object proposed.
9. The "Real Estate Amendment Act"
1862 and the "Trades Licence
1862, are merely repetitious of former acts, modified
and rendered at once practical and more productive of Revenue.
10. The "City of Victoria Representation Act,"
1862, increases, from
two to four, the number of Members to be returned hereafter by the
City for the Legislative Assembly, with the view of reducing the
existing disparity in
the ratio of population to representation in
the City and Country Districts.
11. An Act has been passed for establishing a decimal Currency in
Vancouvers Island: a necessary and very useful measure, as the
system has, for years past, been practically adopted in all
Commercial transactions, and will now be introduced,
with advantage,
into the public accounts.
12. Copies of the acts referred to in this Despatch, excepting such
as have been already forwarded, are herewith transmitted with the
Attorney General's reports.
Not yet received.
With Duplicate.
2 April.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr E.
Sir F. Rogers
The Attorney General's report will probably come in a fortnight or 3
Mr McClure (of
V.C.Isld) has complained that the representation of
Victoria is insufficient. By an Act, now sent home, two M.P
s are
Mr McClure's Letter—which treats generally on the desired
alterations in the Constitution of
B.C. &
V.C.I.—is with His Grace.
Mr Blackwood
Wait for the Atty Genls report.
The Attorney Genl's Report on 5 Acts has arrived, & is
annexed. Perhaps you [should] examine these five Acts.
I think that of these five Acts The Real Estate Tax Amendment act and
the Victoria Representation act may be sanctioned. The latter (as
mentioned by
Mr Blackwood) doubles the number of the representation
Victoria. The Victoria & Esquimalt Harbour Act
shd , I think be
referred to the B
d of Trade.
The decimal currency Act to the Treasury. The Stamp Act it is not
necessary so to refer but it wd be a kindness to the Colony to send
it to the Treasy with a request that the Board of Inland Reve wd
favour H.G. with their opinion whether it is in any material point
defective or objectionable.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Copy of prorogation speech by
Douglas to the Legislative Council and
Legislative Assembly,
22 December 1862, as per despatch.
George Hunter Cary, Attorney General, to
W.A.G. Young, Acting
Colonial Secretary,
21 January 1863, reporting favourably on five
acts passed by the legislature.
Schedule of Acts passed during the recent session of the legislature,
forwarded to the attention of the Secretary of State for the Colonies,
twenty-two acts in total.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
23 April 1863, forwarding copy of
the Stamp Act to be referred to the Board of Inland Revenue for their
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
If the Acts on which the Attorney General has not reported are not to
be acted on until he does so—ought not this draft to be sent to the
Govr to remind him.
I think that the Governor or his
Secy shd not have slipped the
Attorney Gen
l's observations

into a duplicate despatch, the contents
of which might have been overlooked.
The omission to send the "observations" involved the necessity of a
fresh desph when forwarded.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
James Booth, Board of Trade,
23 April 1863, forwarding copy
of the Victoria and Esquimalt Harbour Act and asking whether there
was any objection to its passage.
Newcastle to Lord President,
23 April 1863, forwarding two acts to be
submitted to
the Queen in Council and recommending that they be left
to their operation.
Minutes by CO staff
Written on a Note from the Manager of the Bank which is amongst
FR's Semi official Letters.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to
G.A. Hamilton, Treasury,
23 April 1863, forwarding copy of
the Decimal System of Accounts Act and asking whether there was any
objection to its passage.
Newcastle] to The Lord President,
4 August 1865, submitting the
Decimal System of Accounts Act to
the Queen in Council and
recommending that it be left to its operation.
People in this document
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Booth, James
Cary, Attorney General George Hunter
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Hamilton, George Alexander
McClure Leonard
Nunes, William A.
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Pennell, Edmund Burke
Rogers, Baron Blachford Frederic
Victoria, Queen Alexandrina
Walker, James Davidson
Young, William Alexander George
Places in this document
British Columbia
Esquimalt Harbour
Vancouver Island