I have to acknowledge your letter of
9th instant enclosing a copy of
a Report on the claims of the Hudson's Bay C
o against Her Majesty's
Government on account of
VanCouvers Island, submitted to the Lords of
the Treasury by
Mr Andoe who had been appointed by their Lordships
to examine those Accounts. The result of
Mr Andoe's report is to
reduce the claim of the Hudsons Bay C
o against the
Crown from
£53,569.14.2 at which they had stated it, to £27,412.10.4.
Mr Andoe's means of arriving at a correct judgment on these accounts
have been so much greater than ours, that it would be scarcely
possible, if any difference of opinion existed between us, to set our
judgment in opposition to his. At the same time I must add that I
see no reason to question the correctness of the conclusions at which
he has arrived. I presume that the next step will be to communicate
those conclusions to the Company with the grounds
on which they have
been arrived at, that the Company may have the opportunity of
offering any explanation they may desire to give on the several items
objected to by
Mr Andoe.