Murdoch to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
Emigration Office
13 December 1862
I have to acknowledge your letter of
11th instant with one from the
Hudson's Bay C
o on the subject of the Land transferred to the Crown
in the
Town of Victoria Vancouvers Isld by the Agreement with the
Hudsons Bay C
o of the
3rd of February last.
2. When that agreement was communicated to
Governor Douglas he
observed that the effect of it, so far from restoring any land to the
Crown would be to confirm the

Company in claims which they had not
before been able to establish and he intimated that
Mr Dallas had
availed himself of his local knowledge in the matter to obtain this
advantage over the Government.
Governor Douglas' despatch was
referred to the Company—but in their answer they took no notice of
this charge. Their attention was called to the omission and
Berens letter is his explanation of it.
3. He states that in his previous answer he had purposely avoided
noticing the imputation, because he was aware that the Governor
himself was in possession of

Land which
Mr Dallas considered ought
to belong to the Government and because he was unwilling to give rise
to a discussion which must produce disagreeable feeling but could have
no useful result. He adds that as far as he is aware there were no
means in this country at the time the arrangement was entered into of
ascertaining precisely the unsold lands—but he sends plans of the
lots which the Company's Agent proposed should be surrendered to the
4. It is, I believe, known at the Colonial Office from other sources
Governor Douglas owns a considerable extent of land in
Yes. From the Returns of Land Sales sent here by [the?] Company.
and I do not see therefore

that there would be any use in sending
Berens' letter to the Governor. It would no doubt produce a
rejoinder from him and could not, as far as I can see, lead to any
practical result. But it might be desirable to furnish the Governor
with copies of the plans enclosed in
Mr Berens' letter, that it may
be ascertained whether they represent accurately the land which will
be surrendered to the Crown under the Agreement.
I have the honor to be
Your Obedient
Humble Servant
T.W.C. Murdoch
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
Send the Plans to the
Govr as suggested with reference to the Duke's
Despatch N
o 121—
15 Novr?
Other documents included in the file