Peel to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
Treasury Chambers
4 December 1862
I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to
acquaint you, for
the information of the
Duke of Newcastle, that
Their Lordships will not object to the confirmation of the two Acts
in question, but they regret the absence of any information of a
recent date respecting the Financial condition of the Colony, as
without it, they can form no opinion as to the adequacy of the
security provided for payment of the Interest, and for the redemption
of the Loans.
With regard to the negociation
of the Loan by the Agents General for
Crown Colonies, and the signature by them, on behalf of the Colonial
Government of
Vancouver Island, of the Debenture to be issued in this
Country, My Lords desire that there should be a distinct
understanding that, in their borrowing money for a Government which
possesses the control over its own general revenue without the
supervision of Her Majesty's Government, the Agents General
acting merely in the name of the Local Government, and that Her
Majesty's Government can come under no responsibility on account of
their transactions in that capacity, or otherwise, in connection with
the Loan.
My Lords are of opinion that the Agents General should be called upon
for a Report as to the mode in which the Government of
Island should contribute towards the expenses of the Agency for
services to be rendered in respect to the proposed Loan.
I am, Sir
Your obedient Servant
F. Peel
Minutes by CO staff
But I must say these financial arrangements of
Gov. Douglas appear to
me rather alarming. The matter is one (loans for public works in
B Columbia and
V.C.I.) to
wh you have given a good deal of attention.
Duke of Newcastle
Govr Douglas is, I think, a very unsatisfactory financier. But in V. I
d these Loans are, at all counts, sanctioned by an elected
assembly—& do not depend, as in
B.C., on the Gov
r's single will.
wd confirm the Acts.
Other documents included in the file
Rogers to Agents General,
18 December 1862, forwarding copy of the
letter and acts and asking for their report "upon the mode in which
the Colony should provide for the expenses of the Agency with respect
to the loan."