Mr Elliot
See 5078 and minutes thereon. Neither this Letter nor the enclosures
contain charges against the Governor. They only allege that
Cameron compounded with his creditors in Scotland and did not pay
them after all, and that he was declared insolvent at Demerara.
These, if they are facts, were unknown to the Colonial Office when
Mr Cameron was appointed Chief Justice of
VanCouver Island.
I may as well mention on this occasion that a Supreme Court of
Justice was first established in
V.C.I. in /
54. It was created

consequence of the dissatisfaction felt with the decisions of the
local Justices. The
Governor (Douglas) selected
Mr Cameron for the
Office of Chief Judge: the
Govr told us at the time that
Mr C. was
not a professional man, & that he (
Cameron) accepted the post solely
at the Governor's wish and "until a Law Officer was appointed by the
Crown ... a measure which he was desirous should be soon carried into
effect." I am not aware that
Douglas told us that
Cameron was his
Brother-in Law, but we learned the fact through the H.B.C
o. Some
time afterwards a Petition reached us from
V.C.I. complaining of the
composition of this Supreme Court. It was referred to the Governor,
& we
recd his ans:—which ans: was deemed satisfactory; for
afterwards (in 56) A Supreme Court of Judicature was solemnly
established by an O. of
the Queen in Council and
Mr Cameron
appointed Chief Justice of the Court. (The corresp
ce resp
g the
t of the Court, & the apptment of
Mr C. is the Vol. of /