21 September 1863
I have the honor to forward to you herewith a Memorial from certain
of the Inhabitants of
Vancouver's Island, which was presented to me
on the
19h Inst for transmission to Your Grace.
2. I also forward copy of
a letter addressed to me enclosing the
Memorial, together with a copy of my reply thereto.
3. I forward these Documents in the ordinary course of public
business, but as they relate to myself personally, it is I presume
unnecessary that I should offer any remarks upon them.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke,
Your Graces most obedient
and humble Servant
James Douglas
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Acknowledge & express satisfaction?
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Memorial addressed to
Newcastle expressing regret at
replacement and testifying to the great debt owed him by the colony
for years of dedicated and fruitful service, no date, approximately
225 signatures.
James Dickson and
Selim Franklin to
18 September 1863,
enclosing the memorial as a "deserved tribute of respect coming as it
does from those whose position wealth and intelligence entitle them
to represent the opinions of
Vancouver Island," and asking that the
letter and memorial be forwarded to
Douglas to
Dickson and
19 September 1863, acknowledging
their letter and memorial and expressing "sincere thanks for so
flattering and spontaneous an expression of opinion in respect of the
past and present value of my public services."
Other documents included in the file