Sir F. Rogers
This is what may be called only a point of form, but I must say that
I think it an important one. Your are aware that the public Press
shows that the proceedings on the loans for
British Columbia and
Vancouvers Island are watched by jealous observers.
I am quite clear that actually to borrow the money before the Act has
been confirmed in Council, would be unjustifiable. What
Mr Sargeaunt wishes (see his note within) is that they should issue
their advertisements before the Act is confirmed, trusting to that
measure's having been completed before the date on which they receive
their tenders. I believe that a Council prior to the
15h is
reckoned on as certain, on account of the necessity of a further
prorogation of Parliament by the
13th. Such being the facts, the
question is, may the Agents be authorized or not to advertize at once
for the Sale of
Vancouvers debentures on the
15th inst?