Any interference with the

squatters will probably be deemed out of
the question under present circumstances, and I do not think that
this is the point which is here mooted. The point is in the
concluding Par: of
Sir E. Head's letter in which he says that his
only object is to let the Secretary of State know that the Hudson's
Bay company may be compelled to abandon their occupation of land in
San Juan.
Perhaps this may be viewed as a notice simply sent for information
and may be left without answer. If a reply were made, it could only
be, I apprehend, to disclaim the slightest responsibility on the part
of Government either for the Company's leaving or remaining in
San Juan, or for any profit or loss which they may derive from either one
course or the other.
The opinions of this
Dt to that effect are recorded in a letter to
the Foreign Office dated the
4 of January 1861 and a letter to
Berens dated the
30h of April 1862, and in the minutes on which
those letters were founded.
Duke of Newcastle
There is no hint in this letter of
Sir E. Head of any claims upon
Govt on acc
t of
San Juan. It is only a proper notice to the F.O.
that the British occupation of the island is about to cease. I think
the answer may be, that the probable abandonment of the island by
British Subjects and its occupation by American squatters seems
likely to increase the difficulty of enforcing our claim to
San Juan
and to make it more than ever desirable that the question should, if
possible, be settled without delay.