Murdoch to Elliot (Assistant Under-Secretary)
Emigration Office
6 July 1863
I have to acknowledge your letter of
22nd ultimo with a further
despatch from
Governor Douglas on the subject of the Land surrendered
to the Crown by the Hudsons Bay C
o in the City of
Vancouvers Island.
2. In this Despatch the Governor encloses the Map of
showing the Sales by the Company and the land to revert to the Crown;
a copy of which was received from the Company in
Mr Berens' letter
17th March last. The result as stated in our report of
March is to show that the whole extent of Land reverting to the Crown
is about 60 Acres, a quantity which
Governor Douglas rightly assumes
to be much less than we had expected when we entered into the
Agreement with the Company of
3rd Febry 1862.
3. It is useless, however, now to resume the discussion whether as
Govr Douglas intimates we were deliberately misled by
Mr Dallas in
that Agreement or whether we only misunderstood the state of the case
which avowedly
Mr Dallas was unable accurately to explain. If the
principal object of the Agreement had been to reclaim for the Public
the greatest quantity

possible of valuable land it would have been a
cause for serious regret, and perhaps complaint, that the statement
furnished to us had been so incomplete. In that case, however, we
should not have ventured to recommend the conclusion of the Agreement
without a previous verification in the Colony of the grounds on which
it proceeded. But the quantity of Land to be recovered, though an
important, was not the principal object in view—and in forming an
opinion as to the terms obtained from the Company it is necessary to
bear in mind the exact state of the case. It must be remembered that

Hudson's Bay C
o some years before the Grant of
1849, had
established themselves at what is now
Victoria, and had occupied
there upwards of 3000 Acres of which the land now in question is a
portion—that in
1846 they applied to
Lord Grey for a grant of that
land and that his Lordship was prepared to recognize their claim to
it. It was in the course of the correspondence arising out of their
application for this land that
Lord Grey proposed to them to accept a
grant of the whole Island on certain conditions of Colonization. As
the correspondence on the larger question proceeded the minor
question as to the land at
Victoria faded out of view—and when the
whole Island was subsequently granted to the Company their claim to
this particular land was held to have merged in the more extensive
grant. Under these circumstances it was held, and was understood by
us, that although the Company might not have a strictly legal, they
had an equitable, claim to the land at
Victoria—and that they could
not have been ousted from it without legal proceedings which would
have been certainly tedious and expensive and probably of doubtful
result. And in the meantime the reconveyance of the Island to the
Crown must have been

4. The primary object then was to expedite the reconveyance of the
Island to the Crown—to prevent future disputes respecting this
particular land—and to acquire for the Crown so much of the
ungranted portion of it as might be wanted for Government Offices.
It is not denied that these objects have been attained and if so it
is of no use now to raise questions as to the manner in which the
Company disposed of other portions of the land previous to
1862, when it was assumed by them to be their own property—an
assumption which the Home Government had

not disputed. It would of
course have been of advantage to the public to recover for it land
that was likely to sell for a high price—and the sale would probably
have been conducted with greater reference to the future advantage of
the public by the Crown than by the Company. But all questions
respecting Sales effected bonâ fide before
1st Janry 1862 are
concluded by the Agreement of
Febry of that year. If as
Douglas says the original plan of the Town was altered by the Company
to the detriment of their grantees, it is for the grantees not for
the Crown to take the necessary steps to obtain indemnification.
5. The practical questions now requiring decision are explained
toward the close of
Mr Douglas' despatch. He states that a portion
of the Government reserve was improperly sold by
Mr Dallas—and that
by the terms in which the Agreement was drawn up two lots adjoining
that on which the Post Office stands, and covered with public
buildings, are given up to the Company. On the other hand a valuable
lot at the foot of Fort Street on which the Company possess Buildings
is by the Agreement ceded to the Crown for a Harbour Masters Office.
He proposes that the Crown should

give up the lot at the foot of Fort
Street, and accept instead a lot for the same purpose at the foot of
Broughton Street, on condition that the Company relinquish to the
Crown the portion of the Government reserve marked Z on the Map
enclosed in
Mr Berens' letter to the
Duke of Newcastle of
March last together with lots 1603 1605 and 1607—the first being
that on which the Post Office is situated and the two others
adjoining Lots required for the public service. It only remains
therefore to propose this compromise to the Hudsons Bay C
o. If
it is accepted
Governor Douglas considers that there

will be no
further difficulty in effecting the reconveyance of the Island to the
6. There is much in
Govr Douglas' despatch which it is desirable
the Company should know—but at the same time there are many
imputations conveyed in it and expressions used which could scarcely
fail, if communicated to the Company, to prolong and exasperate the
correspondence which has already arisen on this subject. I would
venture, therefore, to suggest that if it is decided to make the
Company acquainted with
Mr Douglas' general statements on

question some passages of his despatch should be omitted in the
communication to them.
I have the honor to be
Your obedient
Humble Servant
T.W.C. Murdoch
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
I think
Mr Murdoch had better be asked to write the letter to, or
personally negotiate with [blank] on this subject; as he has now a
full and perfect knowledge of the case; & has the advantage of having
conferred upon it with
Mr Dallas.
I would ask
Mr Murdoch to draft the letter to the H.B.Co.
Other documents included in the file
Fortescue to
Sir E. Head, Hudson's Bay Company,
24 July 1863, forwarding extracts of
Douglas's despatch and proposing a compromise in order to expedite
settlement of the land question in
People in this document
Berens, Henry Hulse
Blackwood, Arthur Johnstone
Dallas, Alexander Grant
Douglas, Sir James
Elliot, Thomas Frederick
Fortescue, 1st Baron Carlingford Chichester
Grey, Third Earl, Henry George
Head, Sir Edmund Walker
Murdoch, Thomas William Clinton
Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle Henry Pelham Fiennes
Places in this document
Vancouver Island