1 August 1863
My Lord Duke,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of
Mr C. Fortescue's
letter of the
24th ultimo transmitting extracts from a Despatch
addressed to your Grace by the Governor of
Vancouvers Island on the
subject of the land in
Victoria surrendered by this Company to the
Crown under the Agreement of the
3rd February 1862 in which
Fortescue announces that if the Hudsons Bay Company are prepared to
surrender the portion of the Government
Reserve marked 3 in
Mactavish's Plan and the Lots marked 1605 and 1607 with the adjoining
Lot 1603 upon which the Post Office is built your Grace will consent
to give up the Lot reserved to the Crown at the foot of Fort Street
on which the Company have buildings in exchange for a Lot of the same
extent at the foot of Broughton Street.
I beg to assure your Grace that the Directors of this Company have no
wish to throw any obstacles in the way of a settlement of the
questions remaining unsettled with respect to the retransfer of
Vancouvers Island. On the contrary they are most anxious to second
Your Grace's wishes in that respect to the utmost of their power.
It is with great pleasure therefore that I have to acquaint your
Grace that my Colleagues and myself are quite ready to do all in our
power to settle the unadjusted matters on the terms suggested in
Fortescue's letter. On the part of the Hudsons Bay Company we are
ready to surrender any right or title the Company may have in the
Lots marked in
Mr Mactavish's plan with the letter 3 as well as the
Lot 1603 on which the Post Office is built and the two Lots adjoining
thereto marked 1605 and 1607. We are also ready to surrender the Lot
the foot of Broughton Street in exchange for the Lot at the foot
of Fort Street on which it was originally intended that the Harbour
Masters house should be built. In making these concessions however
it must be understood that the Hudsons Bay Company surrender only the
rights which they actually possess and that the arrangement is made
subject to and saving the rights of third parties (if any) to whom
the Lots in question may have been already conveyed.
As this is, as far as the Directors of this Company are aware, the
only question which remained to be
adjusted between the Crown and
this Company we see no reason why steps should not be at once taken
for preparing the Deed of Reconveyance of
Vancouvers Island to the
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
Edmund Head
Minutes by CO staff
Transmit. This had better be despatched fairly soon.
Other documents included in the file
Elliot to Emigration Commissioners,
7 August 1863, forwarding
copy of the letter.