Referring to your letter of the
2nd October last enclosing a Copy of
a despatch from the Governor of
Vancouver Island requesting that six
hundred gallons of oil and certain Stores for the service of the
Rocks and
Fisgard Island Lighthouses might be sent out I am directed
by the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade to acquaint
you for the information of the
Duke of Newcastle that they have
caused the Oil and Stores in question to be shipped on board the
Steam Ship "
Fusi Yama" bound for
Vancouver Island and to sail on the
24th instant.
A Bill of Lading for them is enclosed. One has also been forwarded
under cover to Consignee in the Ship's letter bag.
A Statement of the Contents of the several packages ninety six in
number is also enclosed. They have all been
addressed and consigned
to the Governor,
Vancouver Island Victoria.